Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): v.9, n.1, 2024
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Published: 2024-05-08


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The Marketing & Tourism Review (ISSN 2525-8176) is an academic journal focusing on marketing and tourism. Our aim is to promote extension programs and dissemination of science through the involvement of top researchers

The journal is published by the Núcleo de Estudos e Estratégias de Comunicação Integrada de Marketing e Turismo – Neecim-TUR (Center of Studies and Strategies of Integrated Marketing Communications and Tourism), coordinated by Professor Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil


The Marketing & Tourism Review publishes essays and original articles and contributes to the exchange of knowledge and information by adopting Open Access Policy and promoting and disseminating high-quality research, in terms of topics or methods, among Marketing and Tourism researchers. The purpose is to fill a gap in research on the intersection of Marketing, Tourism Marketing, and Tourism, by publishing original and relevant articles that include and discuss topics permeating these fields.

Manuscripts can be submitted at any time and they follow a double-blind review process. Currently, most reviewers of the journal are external to the host institution (UFMG).

The electronic journal is a joint project of UFMG and two academic institutions from Portugal, the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria) and the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve (UALG), thus, it assumes itself as a forum for the dissemination of international science research from the outset

The Marketing & Tourism Review’ s editor-in-chief is Professor Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, who is assisted by an Editorial Board of leading PhD or Postdoc researchers from Brazil and Portugal, experts in the fields of Tourism and Marketing. Also, the journal has a group of accomplished scholars who review the submissions, in a continuous flow, in a double-blind review process.

This journal uses plagiarism detection tools in the submitted manuscripts.

The Marketing & Tourism Review follows publishing standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (