A Experiência de Empresas Brasileiras na Adoção das IFRS


  • Sirlei Lemes
  • Miriã Gonçalves e Silva


International Financial Report Standards, International Accounting Standards Board, BRGAAP


   The International Accounting Standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), represent today a source of reference for the world-wide accounting practices. Through the fact of representing a set of norms constantly brought up to date with the requirements of the world market, the International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) have been, gradually, accepted in various countries as their own accounting practices or with some adaptations. It is seen that, following the global trend, the Brazilian accounting norms have been revised in a way to achieve a convergence with the procedures issued by the IASB. This study has, initially, made a survey of the Brazilian "open capital" companies that elaborate their demonstrations in IFRS. The consulted sample comprised a total of 517 companies listed at the BOVESPA (SÃO PAULO STOCK EXCHANGE). The total of respondents was 26.49% of the researched companies and only two of these companies have presented their financial demonstrations in IFRS for the years 2004 and 2005. In a later moment the main differences between the accounting demonstrations elaborated by the Brazilian legislation and the International Accounting Standards were analyzed, showing the main divergences; de jure (formal) as well as de facto (informal). The study concluded that, for the researched year and companies, the main points of divergence in the implementation of the IFRS in Brazil are: 1) deferred income tax; 2) the effects of exchange rate variations; 3) reclassifications of accounts in balance sheet and DRE.



How to Cite

LEMES, S.; E SILVA, M. G. A Experiência de Empresas Brasileiras na Adoção das IFRS. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 3, p. 37–58, 2009. Disponível em: https://revistas.face.ufmg.br/index.php/contabilidadevistaerevista/article/view/332. Acesso em: 24 sep. 2024.

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