Hábitos no Consumo Sustentável de Produtos Alimentares Locais: Um Caso em Portugal


  • Soraia Nobrega https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6449-0972
  • Marisa Cesário CinTurs - Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being; Faculty of Economics, Universy of the Algarve https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7832-6949
  • Dora Agapito Universidade do Algarve, CinTurs - Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, Faculty of Economics




Consumo sustentável, Marketing Social, Produtos Locais, Modelo Transteorético, Mudança de comportamentos


The present investigation aims to understand consumer behaviour through the analysis of their sustainable consumption habits regarding local food products. In addition to defining consumption profiles, the aim was to identify the main inhibitors of sustainable consumption.

One hundred twenty-five questionnaires were applied to residents of the municipality of Lagos, Portugal. The results concluded that the items with the most significant importance for sustainable consumption habits regarding local food products are those related to the influence on health and receptivity to regional products, with a significant correlation with variables related to genetic concerns, support for local producers and health concerns. On the other hand, monetary barriers were identified as an essential inhibitor to more ethical consumption behaviour.

Regarding the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change, it was possible to verify that most respondents are in the maintenance phase, which means more than half of the respondents refer that they already have consolidated sustainable consumption habits.


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How to Cite

Nobrega, S., Cesário, M., & Agapito, D. (2022). Hábitos no Consumo Sustentável de Produtos Alimentares Locais: Um Caso em Portugal. Marketing & Tourism Review, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v8i2.7605