Difference between Accounting-Fiscal Profit: Bankers and Politicians Interests
Accounting and Tax Compliance, Corporate Governance, Social Networks, Politicians, BankersAbstract
The objective of the study is to verify the influence of board interlocking of bankers and politicians on the difference between accounting and tax profits of companies listed on Brasil Bolsa Balcão - B3. The research sample considered 1,157 observations, corresponding to the period from 2011 to 2018. Data were treated by multiple linear regression. The results indicate that board interlocking, by itself, does not interfere in the difference between accounting and tax profit, but politicians' board interlocking reduces the difference between accounting and tax profit and bankers' board interlocking increases the difference between profit accounting and tax. Bankers on the board of directors share knowledge that is reflected in accounting information with a focus on primary stakeholders and politicians make companies prioritize the accounting focus on tax information. Based on the findings, presidents, managers and shareholders will be able to analyze more clearly the quality of the accounting reports disclosed and, from this perspective, evaluate the benefit of keeping members with specific and interconnected expertise on the board of directors.
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