Hospitality attributes in hotel restaurants and their relationships with social sustainability




hospitality, ESG, Environmental, Social and Governance, social responsability, hotel restaurants


Human relationships and work routines have undergone fast transformations, as have consumer, leisure, and travel behaviors. With the speed at which changes occur, the need for a more sustainable vision has been observed so that there is a careful look at environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. In the tourism and hospitality sector, there is a growing concern among hotel chains in ESG aspects, with a special focus on social issues, which includes training for employees, diversity and inclusion, security practices, among others, and which is the focus of this search. In this context, the attributes that make up hospitality, both in relation to the guest and in relation to employees, stand out in different places, such as hotel restaurants, and can be considered a differentiator by favoring human interactions, in a relationship of cordiality and welcome. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify hospitality attributes and sustainability practices in hotel restaurants. To achieve this objective, two qualitative surveys were carried out, the first was carried out through semi-structured interviews, collected during the month of November 2021, with hotel guests located in Brazil, followed by a documentary analysis of the ESG manuals of two hotel chains. The results showed that hotels adopt social sustainability practices through care for customer privacy and security, employee training, employee care, and providing a safe work environment. Hospitality attributes such as personalization, warm welcome, comfort and special relationships are part of the characteristics that guests determine to be important in a hotel restaurant. In this research, it was possible to verify that the concern with social sustainability and hospitality attributes can be considered a competitive factor.

Author Biography

Roseane Marques

Roseane Barcellos Marques is a lecturer on the Hospitality Postgraduate Programme at Anhembi Morumbi University. She has a PhD in Public Administration and Government from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and a Master's in Political Economy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Her most recent work focuses on hospitality studies in thematic discussions such as: economic theory, economic sociology and economic institutionalism analysed from the perspective of Brazil's socio-economic reality. She is a member of the Regional Economics Council - Conselho Regional de Economia (CORECON) - and the National Association for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Tourism - Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo (ANPTUR).


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How to Cite

Gama, N., Margutti, A., Wada, E., & Marques, R. (2024). Hospitality attributes in hotel restaurants and their relationships with social sustainability. Marketing & Tourism Review, 9(1).