Utilizing IRaMuTeQ for an integrative literature review on tourism: exploring supplier relationships, dynamic capabilities, and performance within the hospitality industry





Revenue Management


Socio-economic transformations require adaptations by companies. In tourism, it is no different, so understanding mechanisms of development in the tourism industry becomes a crucial point to meet the competitive demands of the market. These competitive demands relate to an environment in which it is necessary to have a dynamic, decentralized structure that enhances gains and simultaneously avoids the loss of autonomy and flexibility of each firm in possible collaborative relationships. Understanding the networks in which hotels are inserted, and their dynamic capabilities is paramount in this context. Developing an integrative systematic review of the literature assists in understanding the variables involved in the network. This paper aims to verify, in the hospitality sector, the factors underlying the supply chain, as well as the dimensions  of  the  dynamic  capabilities  of  hotels.  The  IRAMUTEQ  software evaluated 91 abstracts of international articles listed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The results point to possibilities for doing the integrative review from authors with similar or different ideas.


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How to Cite

Gosling, I. T. de S., Carvalho de Castro, D. C., & José de Brito, M. (2023). Utilizing IRaMuTeQ for an integrative literature review on tourism: exploring supplier relationships, dynamic capabilities, and performance within the hospitality industry. Marketing & Tourism Review, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v8i3.8263