Pluralistic Ignorance and Domestic Tourism After a Close Presidential Election

Evidence from the Field




Pluralistic ignorance, Tourist animosity, Political polarization, Domestic tourism


This paper investigates the occurrence of pluralistic ignorance in relation to travelling to domestic tourist destinations, where there is a political divergence between tourists and residents. Brazil was chosen for our research setting due to the characteristics of the polarization observed in recent years, after the emergence of a far-right wing and conservative movement. In our preliminary results, we found the occurrence of pluralistic ignorance among left-wing voters, but not right-wings. More specifically, we found that left-wings think their in-groups would feel systematically less comfortable than themselves visiting domestic tourist destinations where a political divergence is in place. Though the same results were not found among right-wing voters, we discuss on the avenues for future studies.

Author Biography

Marcelo de Oliveira Nunes, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brasil

Professor Assistente do Departamento de Economia Doméstica e Hotelaria (DEDH) da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de
Janeiro (UFRRJ). Possui mestrado em Administração com ênfase em Marketing pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS) e graduação em Turismo pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Atualmente está cursando doutorado em Administração pelo Instituto Coppead de Administração da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e seus interesses de pesquisa são na área de Comportamento do Consumidor e Economia Comportamental no Turismo.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Nunes, M., & da Rocha Dib, L. A. (2023). Pluralistic Ignorance and Domestic Tourism After a Close Presidential Election: Evidence from the Field. Marketing & Tourism Review, 8(3).



Research Notes