Meninas, vi que compraram essa calça aqui no grupo e ameiiii! – O engajamento como prática social na rede de trocas sociais da comunidade de marca online



Engagement, Online brand community, Theories of practice, Social exchange theory, Alterity


Engagement in online brand communities favors interaction between customers in an atmosphere of empathy and affinity of purposes that contribute positively to the strengthening of the brand. In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze the dynamics of customer engagement to an online brand community created by the customers themselves. The research employed netnography to collect and analyze data from the Renner Female Fitting Room brand community. The results reveal the dynamics of engagement and its subjective aspects expressed in categories that reflect the engaged behavior (shared practices, incentive for decisions, exchange relationship, retribution and power of influence), the conditions that sustain the engagement (alterity and trust), and the sensations and behaviors resulting from participation in the community (satisfaction and loyalty). The social exchange theory and theories of practice were recovered for the interpretation of the results revealing that engagement is a social practice that runs through the social exchanges network of the community, interconnects participants and favors a system of retribution and influences that support decisions, support relationships and produce reflections on the perceived alterity among participants, their mutual trust and satisfaction.

Author Biographies

Gabriella Soares Pinto, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Campus Governador Valadares, Brasil

Administration student at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Campus Governador Valadares

Stela Cristina Hott Corrêa, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Campus Governador Valadares, Brasil

Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Campus Governador Valadares

Doctor in Business Administration at CEPEAD/FACE - Federal University of Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

Soares Pinto, G., & Hott Corrêa, S. C. (2023). Meninas, vi que compraram essa calça aqui no grupo e ameiiii! – O engajamento como prática social na rede de trocas sociais da comunidade de marca online. Marketing & Tourism Review, 8(3). Retrieved from