A hospitalidade nos negócios como moderadora nas relações com os stakeholders na gestão de crise e na retomada da competitividade
Hospitality in business; Crisis management; Resumption of competitiveness; Technological disaster.Abstract
On November 5, 2015, the sub-districts of Mariana-MG, Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo were completely destroyed by the collapse of the Fundão dam. The environmental disaster caused deaths of humans, flora and fauna and left the municipality without its main income. Without mining, the local government and the population began to experience an economic and social crisis. To repair and compensate for the damage of those directly and indirectly affected, the responsible companies created the Renova Foundation to mediate relations with all those affected. In this context, this study asks: Can hospitality, through the social relationships established by the organization with its stakeholders, be a moderating factor in crisis management? As a general objective, this study seeks to discuss whether hospitality, through the relationships established between the organization and its stakeholders, can be a mediator for the resumption of competitiveness of a community affected by a technological disaster. The specific objectives are: a) to identify practices related to the private, social and commercial domains that support hospitality in business; b) list the hospitality practices between the organization and stakeholders that moderate power relations; c) identify which are the elements of hospitality applied to businesses that favor sustainable organizational development; and d) verify which elements of hospitality strategically contribute to the resumption of competitiveness. Methodologically, the Emic-Etic-Emic approaches were used and, for data processing, the SPSS software for Etic – 2nd phase and Content Analysis for Emic – 1st phase and Emic – 3rd phase. The results of the investigation point to the difficulties encountered by those indirectly affected in establishing more hospitable meetings with the Renova Foundation, as it does not consider that they were also directly impacted by the dam failure.
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