Prospecting internacional sales based on competitive advantage in the Airbnb in Porto de Galinhas-Pernambuco.
Vantagem competitive, Prospecção de vendas, Visão baseada em recursos, Airbnb.Abstract
Technological transformations are influencing the way people communicate and consume. In tourism, there is a great impact on how social and economic practices are associated, with the emergence of a type of consumption called collaborative. The search for these shared services has generated discussions not in the market, but also in the academia. Thus, it becomes essential to understand the competitive advantages of companies to be sustainable over time in the market and use these advantages to prospect sales and attract, especially, foreign tourists through the announcement of the platform and thus make a reservation. This research aimed to know the competitive resources, based on the VRIO model, which generate a competitive advantage of the airbnb advertisements in Porto de Galinhas-PE and the sales prospecting of accommodations for international tourists. The qualitative case study approach was used, which adopted as a data collection tool, the semi-structured interviews with the hosts and the analysis of the superhosts advertisements. The results show that organizational and human resources generate competitive advantage and physical resources are in competitive parity with their competitors. Furthermore, it was identified that there is no content marketing directed to international sales prospection.
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