Stories that stick

The power of storytelling in social media communication of bean to bar chocolate businesses in Brazil



Social media, Storytelling, Bean to bar, Marketing, Chocolate


The present work sought to identify how Brazilian brands of Bean to Bar chocolate communicate on social media and how storytelling contributes to making this communication effective and attractive to the consumer. The research methodology involved a multiple-case design focused on the former brands of the ‘Bean to Bar Brasil’ Association. The data were gathered for three months from Instagram. Thus, 194 Instagram posts were submitted to qualitative content analysis. The paper is the first to address the use of storytelling strategies of brands associated with the Bean to Bar Movement on social media. Bean to Bar chocolates are the ones made by the same producer from the cocoa beans to the chocolate bar. This industry is growing steadily, but only a few studies can be found in Brazil and abroad. The main results of the study indicate that storytelling enhances communication strategies on social media, improves brand perception and generates positive outcomes for them. The work highlights the main aspects that constitute the theoretical field of storytelling on social media, and show them through the seven case studies. Furthermore, it strengthens the arguments about the importance of storytelling for handmade products marketing.

Author Biographies

COSTA, J. H. P., Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Bachelor's Degree in Digital Media Communication from the Federal University of Paraíba. Former scholarship holder of two scientific initiation programs in the areas of administration, marketing and tourism (CNPq/UFPB).

ANDRADE-MATOS, Mariana Bueno de, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

PhD Professor at the Bachelor's Degree in Leisure and Tourism and at the Postgraduate Program in Tourism (PPGTUR) at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo (EACH/USP). PhD in Administration from the Graduate Program in Administration (PROPAD) at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE).

MATOS, Beatriz Gondim, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Professor of the Administration Course at the Federal University of Cariri. Graduated in Business Administration from the State University of Ceará (2007), Master in Administration and Controllership (2010) from the Federal University of Ceará and Ph.D. from the Graduate Program in Administration at the Federal University of Pernambuco with a sandwich period at Breda University of Applied Sciences (NHTV), Netherlands. Leader of the Center for Studies in Business, Strategy and Consumption (NEC) at the Federal University of Cariri and Research productivity scholarship, encouraging internalization and technological innovation - BPI (FUNCAP). Extension Coordinator of the Administration Course. Has experience in Administration, with an emphasis on Services Marketing and Consumer Behavior.


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How to Cite

Henrique de Paiva Costa, J., Andrade-Matos, M. B. de, & Matos, B. G. (2022). Stories that stick: The power of storytelling in social media communication of bean to bar chocolate businesses in Brazil. Marketing & Tourism Review, 7(1). Retrieved from