Digital Communication and Inbound Marketing: strategies applied to the tourism sector in Portugal


  • Patrícia Silveira Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia; Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho
  • Joana Pinto Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia


Comunicação digital, inbound marketing, marketing de contéudos


The explosion of product options and digital channels, couple with the emergence of an increasingly demanding and well-informed consumer, has revealed implications for the purchasing process and marketing. Increasingly, the consumer takes control of the process and actively seeks out the information he considers useful (Court et al., 2009). This new paradigm is called inbound marketing. In this context, brands feel the importance of integrating the consumer's voice in a bilateral communication valued by inbound marketing strategies. However, the topic is still recent and academically little explored. Hence, the objective is the study of the application of inbound marketing strategies, supported by the starting question: What are the key points in the implementation of inbound marketing strategies by Tour Operator S (It was chosen for this designation, to protect the identity operator concerned)? To this end, we sought to explore and cross-check the “content marketing” and “social media marketing” (strategies applied by the company) in the translation of success indicators for inbound marketing. We opted for a qualitative methodology, using the content analysis of interviews and documentary research. This study highlights the importance of incorporating content marketing in companies' inbound marketing strategies. Since the goal of inbound marketing is to attract consumers, it’s essential to awaken the interest in looking for Operator S and building positive attitudes. To reinforce this, Operator S offers a valuable storytelling to the consumer, combined with an emotional component. The process involves investing in continuous conversations that encourage engagement, possible through participatory and collaborative means, which is the case with social networks. The accessibility of the tools of this medium allows the sharing of non-invasive content, leaving the power, in the consumer, to decide in what circumstances he looks for the brand.

Author Biographies

Patrícia Silveira, Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia; Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho

Coordenadora Académica da Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação (IADE) da Universidade Europeia, é também Professora Auxiliar na mesma Instituição. Concluiu o Doutoramento Europeu em Ciências da Comunicação (financiamento pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), com uma tese sobre a receção da atualidade informativa pelos públicos infantojuvenis. A par da atividade de coordenação e de docência, é Investigadora Integrada no Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho.

Joana Pinto, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia

Joana Davim Pinto é Mestre em Design e Publicidade e profissional de Marketing. É reconhecida como uma profissional estratégica, analítica, dinâmica e eclética, com experiência em marketing digital, comunicação de marca integrada e global, social media e marketing de influência.


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How to Cite

Silveira, P., & Pinto, J. (2022). Digital Communication and Inbound Marketing: strategies applied to the tourism sector in Portugal. Marketing & Tourism Review, 7(1). Retrieved from