O Ronco do V8 Objeto de Desejo: Estudo de Caso do Automóvel Ford Maverick em Diferentes Gerações sob a Ótica das Cadeias Meio Fim





Nostalgia, Gerações, Laddering, Saudosismo, Maverick


At the beginning of 1970, Ford do Brasil S.A. brought to Brazil the USA sales’ champion, the Ford Maverick. The car quickly fell into popular taste, in this new segment of medium cars, having a legion of admirers still to actual days. The objective of our research, at the light of Means-End Chain Theory, is to compare Maverick users’ behaviors and values, from two different generations at different times: in the 70s when the car was launched, whose main consumers were the Baby Boomers generation and the sons of this generation, generation X. For this study, using laddering technique, 47 in-depth interviews, with, 20 belonging to the Baby Boomers Generation (individuals born between 1940 and 1960) and the other 27 individuals, born between 1970 and 1990 that belong to X Generation, in which their testimonies allowed the comparison between generations. The content analysis results and the laddering analysis, allowed the development of hierarchical maps for each generation values. These maps showed the following results:  Baby Boomers Generation demonstrated as a fundamental value for the acquisition of Maverick in the 70s financial security importance and a powerful V8 engine that was the biggest motivational factor for the acquisition of this car. In the case of Generation X, the study indicated, as expected, the value of nostalgia and love for the oldies, as the biggest driver for more than 40 years later, still having this car, whether as a collector or hobby. The generations study presented, as in common, the nostalgia value. The study results indicated, as expected, the nostalgia and oldies love’s values as the biggest driver to still have this car, whether as a collector or hobby. The generations present, as in common, these values. The results suggest new research line and approaches for the studies of consumer behavior and generational marketing.

Author Biography

Alexandre Borba da Silveira, Universidade Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brasil

PhD in Business Administration from Unisinos, visiting professor at Southern Denmark University, assistant professor IBGEN / FTEC


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How to Cite

Levrini, G., & Borba da Silveira, A. . (2021). O Ronco do V8 Objeto de Desejo: Estudo de Caso do Automóvel Ford Maverick em Diferentes Gerações sob a Ótica das Cadeias Meio Fim . Marketing & Tourism Review, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v6i2.6624


