The Importance of food and beverage services in coworking spaces

Do not have it


  • Guilleme Lemos de Matos Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Elizabeth Kyoko Wada



coworking, millennials, food and beverage


This article aims to analyze the coworking spaces that offer food and beverage services in the city of São Paulo, trying to understand how the provision of these food services can add more value to the company. Coworkings have a working format where their users share the same room for professional purposes, being considered a new model of work organization. By affecting people's lifestyles, some coworkings have seen a business opportunity offering other services in their spaces, such as food and beverages to promote and increase the attractiveness of their environment. The present article presents a qualitative research with the purpose of studying the impact of the food and beverage services with the generation of extra revenue in coworkings that provide these services. This article opted to apply the multiple case studies method to understand these new organizations, researching three companies that offer these services. Analyzing the answers of the managers, this article concluded that the provision of these services makes coworkings more attractive to their consumers and potential users.


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How to Cite

Lemos de Matos, G., & Kyoko Wada, E. (2020). The Importance of food and beverage services in coworking spaces: Do not have it. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(2).