Tecnologia digital, turismo e os hábitos de consumo dos viajantes contemporâneos
turismo; tecnologia digital; viajantes; consumo; marketing.Abstract
The Internet popularization and the emergence of innovations resulting from information and communication technologies (ICT), such as social networks, mobile devices, geolocation devices, among others; has changed the traditional travel market and consequently the habits of consumption of the travelers in the XXI century. These travelers are able to plan their own travel independently, share their experiences on social networks in real time, evaluate the services used and have the ability to influence other travelers by producing relevant content about the destinations visited. In this context, this article aims to discuss the relationship between digital technology and the consumption habits of contemporary travelers. It is an exploratory and descriptive research, with analysis of documentary sources, especially secondary ones. Thereby, in addition to bibliographic research in books, website pages and articles on the topics addressed; were consulted recent reports from different entities of reference in the travel market and at the same time on the web. These documents have as a common characteristic the fact that they are available online, besides addressing some aspects of consumer behavior in tourism. They are: Digital Report We Are Social and Hootsuite (2018), New Platform Tourism Services - OMT (2017), Trip Barometer TripAdvisor - Hotel Reviews Home Hotels Flights Restaurants Free Travel Guides Write a Review Over 40 million trusted traveler reviews & opinions Barometer Barometer (2016), Managed travel 3.0 - Amadeus (2015) and The 2014 Traveler's Road to Decision - Google (2014). The analysis of the five reports shows that contemporary travelers are more demanding, connected, informed and collaborate intensively between each other; so it made possible indicate that the digital platforms have been offering autonomy to the travelers and contributing for the construction of a collaborative culture that intensifies the social relations, allows the exchange of experiences and moves a worldwide network of travelers. At the same time, it was noticed that the scientific production on the subject, mainly at the national level, still recent and scarce, therefore, being configured as an interesting field for the development of future scientific researches about the topic.
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