Consumer Behavior of Furnishings Products


  • Gabriele Back Carvalho Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Mirela Jeffman dos Santos Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



Consumer Behavior, Satisfaction, Sector of finishes


In dynamic and competitive scenario in which companies compete for customer preference, analyzing consumer behavior and the dynamics of the buying decision process has become a necessity for business survival. The civil construction sector, in particular, has suffered the direct effects of the country's economic crisis in recent years, which has a direct impact on the market for renovation and finishing products. This scenario makes it even more challenging to understand the behavior of this consumer, who is more demanding and cautious to make his buying decision. This study objective was to analyze the consumer behavior of furnishings products. The theoretical background of the study encompassed consumer behavior, especially the purchasing decision process and satisfaction. The field research was quantitative and covered a survey with a sample of 50 customers of finishing products addressed at the time of purchase directly in the store environment. The results indicated that consumers often seek information in the marketplace prior to the purchase of finishes and carefully evaluate available offers. The purchase decision is made, mainly, based on the attributes of quality, price, brand variety, payment terms and attendance. In general, consumers have been satisfied with their purchases and with the chosen supplier, especially with regard to the physical structure of the store, the variety of products and brands found and the attendance received at the time of purchase. The items that presented lower satisfaction levels were related to communication - such as product and offer promotion - and to the availability of products - such as deadlines and quantity of items for prompt delivery. For these attributes, proposals for improvements were offered to companies in the industry, such as the hiring of a professional specialized in the marketing area to proceed with the dissemination activity and a study in the area of inventory management, with emphasis on the use of ABC curve. These suggestions are intended to organize the logistics processes of companies, which directly interfere with meeting deadlines with customers, as well as modernize the marketing communication process, supported by digital tools such as social networks to promote product and information offerings about the company. Finally, limitations and suggestions for new studies in the area were presented.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, G. B., & Santos, M. J. dos. (2020). Consumer Behavior of Furnishings Products. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(2).