A regionalização do turismo no Estado do Paraná sob a perspectiva do marketing


  • Francisco José Gouveia de Castro UFPR
  • José Manoel Gonçalves Gândara Universidade Federal do Paraná






The experiential tourism literature has influenced the elaboration of the tourism marketing plan in the State of Paraná, considering how important the theme has become in the last three decades. As a result, categorization and identification of consumer profiles were affected. The question that arises is whether the offer of tourist attractions for experience seekers, from a marketing perspective, became regionally conformed. The present work aims to identify and analyse the territorial ordering through the hierarchization and regionalization of the main tourist attractions offered. In order to achieve this goal we used the descriptive survey research technique, through netnography categorization of TripAdvisor evaluations. The study has an exploratory-descriptive character with a strong qualitative bias. It describes the literature regarding tourism experience economy and marketing. Territorialisation was approached through concepts of space anchored tourism, with ideas from Douglas Pearce (2015) and Barrado-Timon (2004), among others. The study concludes that efforts from tourism governance, and historical and demographic peculiarities create a favourable environment for the satisfaction of tourist’s needs. It was observed that offers of tourist destinations are characterized by territorial concentration around great urban centers, prompted by the demographic dynamics of the municipalities that compose them, favored by their infrastructure and population, which generates the demand for these products.


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How to Cite

Gouveia de Castro, F. J., & Gonçalves Gândara, J. M. (2019). A regionalização do turismo no Estado do Paraná sob a perspectiva do marketing. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v4i1.5079