A profile of visitors to Brazil Amazon Protected Areas:

Anavilhanas National Park (Amazonas) and Tapajós National Forest (Pará)


  • Robert Clyde Burns West Virginia University
  • Lidiane Castro Gregory
  • Jasmine Cardozo Moreira Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa




Visitor Monitoring, profile, Public Use, Conservation Units.


The purpose of this study was to develop a profile of visitors at two touristic settings and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon Basin: Tapajós National Forest (Pará) and Anavilhanas National Park (Amazonas). An onsite survey was conducted across the two areas. The total of number of usable data points from the two areas of study used in this paper is 2512 surveys (1255 at Tapajós and 1257 at Anavilhanas).  The data collected offers an important source of information for managers so that they may better understand the recreational needs and current capacity for use at both protected areas. One of the aims of this study was to gather data to understand the current flow of visitors in the Amazon by focusing on their specific characteristics. This type of information is crucial for managing public use and developing tourism in protected areas. The project team is grateful to the US Forest Service—International Programs (USFS—IP), US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) who made this study possible. The authors are also grateful to the Instituto Chico Mendes (ICMBio), Tapajós National Forest, Anavilhanas National Park team and local community members who have collected data and supported this research.

Author Biography

Robert Clyde Burns, West Virginia University

Dr. Robert C. Burns, a native of western Pennsylvania, is a the director of the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources and professor of recreation, parks and tourism resources, and a former career military officer. His research scholarship is in collecting and using data to support decision-making for public lands planning and management, primarily in national forest settings.  He has secured nearly $10 million in external research funding (as a Primary Investigator) from various federal agencies over the past 16+ years, and has been co-PI of many additional research efforts. Burns’ research is focused in three main efforts: West Virginia, western U.S. National Forests, and in Europe/Latin America.  Within West Virginia, he is a key co-primary investigator for a five year National Science Foundation funded effort to improve the state’s water quality, working collaboratively with WVU’s Institute for Water Safety and Security. His role is on understanding the behaviors and attitudes of West Virginia residents, analyzing and interpreting data with the multidisciplinary team of researchers, and assisting to develop educational efforts focused on water-related issues within the state.


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How to Cite

Burns, R. C., Gregory, L. C., & Moreira, J. C. (2019). A profile of visitors to Brazil Amazon Protected Areas:: Anavilhanas National Park (Amazonas) and Tapajós National Forest (Pará). Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v4i1.5061