Creative Capital of Europe: aspects of urban creativity in Lisbon

aspects of urban creativity in Lisbon


  • Sarita Cruz de Oliveira Ost
  • Mary Sandra Guerra ASHTON Universidade Feevale
  • Marcos Emílio Santuário



Creative Cities, Creativity, Culture, Development, Lisbon


This study has as its central theme the city of Lisbon and its relationship with creativity. Investments in the creative industry used as one of the strategic pillars for the end of the crisis have transformed Lisbon into a hub of artists, thinkers and creators from around the world, standing out in the world of culture and creativity. In this context, this work aims to analyze if the elements that made Lisbon the Creative Capital of Europe are perceived by residents and visitors. For that, he used the exploratory descriptive method through bibliographic review and field research with qualitative analysis. Among the results, it was possible to identify that both residents and visitors do recognize it as a Creative City. It can be highlighted as the main elements present in Lisbon from the point of view of the participants of the research: a city that seeks to improve opportunities for citizens and generate development while maintaining the culture and tradition of its people; a city that reinvents itself and is receptive to new ideas; a city that seeks innovation while maintaining local traditions and historicity; invests in the proposal of the creative economy as a development factor; one of the cities that most preserves its history while incorporating new attractions; after a crisis, had to reinvent itself. Festivals, opportunities, presentations. City receptive to various cultures; a mixture of the traditional and the technological, has several disruptive spaces, startups, etc and the population is inserted in these spaces; as well as its history and traditions are preserved and worshiped, there is a modern Lisbon, facing the future. Participants also consider Lisbon a city with a lot of talent, technology and tolerance, which is the 3 Ts developed by Florida. The research performed very well reflected the concepts of a Creative City brought by the renowned authors of the area.


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How to Cite

Sarita Cruz de Oliveira Ost, Guerra ASHTON, M. S., & Marcos Emílio Santuário. (2019). Creative Capital of Europe: aspects of urban creativity in Lisbon: aspects of urban creativity in Lisbon. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1).