A Semiótica como metodologia de pesquisa para a análise da comunicação no turismo

estudo da Marca Turística España


  • Ewerton Lemos Gomes Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Márcia Shizue Massukado Nakatani Universidade Federal do Paraná




Turismo, Semiótica, Metodologia, Comunicação turística, Marca turística España.


Semiotics and tourism have a close relationship since they are concerned with communication and the intersection between the two fields of knowledge has been discussed worldwide either focusing on the analysis of the perfect journey, the cultural significance of the journey or the semiotic look of tourism. This work considered access to tourism communication from the tourist brand, so the objective is to present the use of semiotics as a methodology to investigate communication in tourism, through its application in the study of the Tourist Mark Spain. The methodology was divided into three stages: a) semiotic analysis based on the Peircean current (tripartition of the sign) and through the theoretical contribution of the works of Santaella (2015), b) focus group with graduate students and c) an online questionnaire. The instruments were applied in a complementary and successive way and, despite the separation of the stages and instruments, all had the semiotics as a guiding thread, that is, each of the instruments also had a contribution of semiotics in its elaboration and application. As results we can highlight the understanding of the applicability of semiotics around the signs and meanings present in tourism, and the understanding of the tourism communication process through the brands, since the signs present in the brands play a mediating role between the i-tourist (eu-turista). Another theoretical contribution is related to the understanding of semiotics as part of the framework for a tourism epistemology, based on an interpretative basis and as a methodology for the qualitative analysis of tourism as a communicational phenomenon. Thus, it should be noted that the results of this study do not end with the presented analysis, since the intention was not to replicate an already existing knowledge, but to contribute to the advancement of knowledge when approaching the fields of semiotics and tourism.


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How to Cite

Lemos Gomes, E., & Massukado Nakatani, M. S. (2019). A Semiótica como metodologia de pesquisa para a análise da comunicação no turismo: estudo da Marca Turística España. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v4i1.5040