The role of relational marketing on the consumer buying decision of travel agencies


  • Vitor Hugo Silva Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA), Portugal
  • Bruno Sousa Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA) Universidade do Minho CiTUR - centro de investigação (Polo Coimbra)
  • Márcia Gonçalves



relationship marketing, travel agencies, loyalty, satisfaction


Through the characterization of relational marketing, to understand how it can be influential in the decision to purchase the consumer from travel agencies. The study analyzes how relational interaction occurs between clients and companies in the industry, perceiving how companies use relational marketing as a market strategy, and whether this is an influencing factor in consumer decision making. Exploratory interviews with directors of travel and tourism agencies with the objective of understanding the relevance of using relational marketing in the creation and maintenance of the clients of the companies they manage. The results point out that the use of relations as a source of value in the business of travel agencies is common and is seen by companies as a way to combat the virtual competition increasingly implemented in the market, being the relationship with the client seen as a differentiating and influencing factor. From the point of view of the consumer, the relationship with the travel agent is seen as a factor that increases confidence in the product acquired, being considered by the consumers as an influencing factor. It contributed to the analysis of a very current and pertinent problem, namely the threat of the new business model of the tour operators with their increasing bet on the direct sale to the consumer, being interesting to observe the way the market of the travel agencies survives and bets on relationships with customers as a way to create value for the customer by becoming more competitive. It was intended that this study be a contribution to the marking of travel agencies, fomenting the debate about relational marketing and its importance in increasing the competitiveness of the sector. The aim of the study was to analyze the points of view of consumers and companies in order to foster this debate and to understand the points of convergence between the two.

Author Biographies

Vitor Hugo Silva, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA), Portugal

Tourism Management Master (IPCA)

Bruno Sousa, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA) Universidade do Minho CiTUR - centro de investigação (Polo Coimbra)

Bruno Sousa é Professor no Ensino Superior desde 2009 e investigador nas áreas do Marketing, Estratégia e Turismo. É Professor Adjunto no Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave (IPCA) e Investigador na UNIAG. Doutorado em Marketing e Estratégia pela Universidade do Minho em parceria com as Universidades de Aveiro e da Beira Interior (2014). Enquanto Professor Convidado na Universidade do Minho obteve o Prémio de Ensino da Escola de Economia e Gestão da Universidade do Minho, assim como o Best Thesis in Tourism Award na International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Marketing and Consumer Behavior(2015). É licenciado em Gestão pela Universidade do Minho e Prémio Universidade do Minho (destinado a galardoar o aluno que termine o curso com a classificação mais elevada). Desempenhou, anteriormente, a função de Analista de Mercados e de Cartão Cliente no Grupo Sonae (Continente Hipermercados), bem como a de Assistente de Marketing na Global Media Group SGPS, SA (jornal O JOGO).


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How to Cite

Silva, V. H., Sousa, B., & Gonçalves, M. . (2019). The role of relational marketing on the consumer buying decision of travel agencies. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1).