Aplicação da abordagem fenomenológica e estudo epistêmico no turismo

análise dos artigos publicados em periódicos


  • Cinthia Rolim de Albuquerque Meneguel IFSP
  • Luciano Torres Tricárico UNIVALI- Universidade do Vale do Itajaí




Fenomenologia, Epistemologia, Turismo, Artigos científicos.


The phenomenological approach began to be used recently in tourism studies, considered by many authors as the theory that best explains the dynamics of transdisciplinary area. Investigations of scientific communication are essential to understanding the development of knowledge. Thus, the objective of the present research is to identify: a) use of the phenomenological approach in tourism research b) discussion on the phenomenological approach in tourism research c) discussion on epistemology and tourism, with regard to Brazil, Latin America and International. For this exploratory and descriptive work, a bibliometric research was carried out in journals in the area of ​​tourism, selected as a result of its Impact Factor (FI) in 2014 and by the Qualis System selection. In this way, the research was based on the international journals: Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Management, and from specific periodicals of Latin America: Studies and Perspectives in Tourism, Caderno Virtual de Turismo and Turismo: Visão e Ação. Temporal period between the years 2010 and 2014. We analyzed 1,552 articles selected from the use in the title, abstract and keywords, of the terms: phenomenology - phenomenology - phenomenology, phenomenology - phenomenology - phenomenological, epistemology - epistemology - epistemology. The results of this research reveal a mapping of the scientific production associated to the phenomenological method. It is revealed that, based on the analyzed indicators, the research contributes to the scientific recognition of the area, besides dealing with relevant subjects, but little discussed and applied today. The research is relevant, since studies focused on the epistemology of tourism are necessary for the scientific recognition of the area.


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How to Cite

Meneguel, C. R. de A., & Tricárico, L. T. (2019). Aplicação da abordagem fenomenológica e estudo epistêmico no turismo: análise dos artigos publicados em periódicos. Marketing & Tourism Review, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v4i1.5020