


Female exhaustion, Solo mother, Media, Patriarchy, Social reproduction


the present research aims to investigate what are the discourses built on single mothers in Brazilian journalism. Method: for this purpose, a qualitative documentary research was carried out based on the analysis of French discourse in reports linked to the Brazilian media in the last three years. Theoretical framework: still aiming at the above objective, the theoretical lens of Social Reproduction was used. Results: The results reveal that the discourse of normalization, naturalization and exaltation of solo motherhood still prevails - defining the woman as the main responsible for the work of social reproduction. However, a new discursive formation is emerging that contests the hegemonic discourse, problematizing and deconstructing it. Conclusion: discourse analysis in online linked reports contributed to feminist studies exposing the reality of women in Brazilian society.

Author Biography

Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, UFMG

Research Productivity Scholarship - PQ-2, from CNPq. Graduated in Computer Science - Bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1992), Master's in Administration from UFMG (2001) and PhD in Administration from UFMG (2004) and postdoc in Tourism Management at the University of Algarve (SENIOR INTERNSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP CAPES 2015, BEGINNING 2nd SEMESTER 2015). She is currently Associate Professor of Marketing at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Coordinator of NEECIM-TUR (Nucleus of Studies and Strategies in Integrated Marketing and Tourism Communication) and Coordinator of the Lato Sensu Graduate Program at CEPEAD/FACE/UFMG, Management course Strategy.


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