Dividends, Earnings Management, Earnings QualityAbstract
The present study aimed to examine the association between dividend payments and the quality of earnings of Brazilian public companies, in the period between 2010 and 2019. To capture the quality of earnings, the following proxies were considered: the persistence of earnings, the informational content of earnings, through the earnings response coefficient, and the quality of accruals, using information from discretionary accruals and the modified model by Jones (1991). As for dividends, it was decided to test, in each model, the dividend yield, a dummy, indicating the payment or not of dividends, and the fact of paying dividends above the mandatory minimum. Unlike the findings in more developed markets, the empirical results of the three models applied suggest that the Brazilian institutional environment, with its specific legislation on dividends, can affect the relationship between the payment of dividends and the quality of reported earnings.
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