HEI Public X HEI Private: An Investigation on the Myth of the Influence of the Type of HEI in the Accountant's Professional Actuation


  • Orleans Silva Martins
  • Adriana Fernandes de Vasconcelos
  • Paulo Aguiar do Monte


Higher Education Institution, Professional Actuation, Accountant.


The expansion of the higher education and the accentuated growth of the number of courses of Accounting Courses have been taking a lot of people they to think her that the public higher education institutions can be decisive for the placement of professional best in the job market and for us to make those professionals they to receive larger wages than those formed by private institutions. In that sense, the study had as objective verifies if it exists, in fact, it differentiates salary and of socioeconomic profile between the accounting professionals formed by public HEI and formed them by private HEI. For that, an exploratory-descriptive character research was accomplished, through the field research, with application of questionnaires to 270 accountants of States of the Paraiba and of the Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from the obtained results, it was observed that most of the interviewed accountants if it formed in public HEI, 65% worked most of the time during the realization of the degree course, and most already concluded or it is studying a master's degree course. The accomplished statistical tests revealed that the institution type in which is formed the accountant exercises influence on your wage and your professional experience, certifying the truthfulness of the myth on it influences of the type of HEI in the accountant's professional performance.



How to Cite

MARTINS, O. S.; DE VASCONCELOS, A. F.; DO MONTE, P. A. HEI Public X HEI Private: An Investigation on the Myth of the Influence of the Type of HEI in the Accountant’s Professional Actuation. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 2, p. 39–64, 2009. Disponível em: https://revistas.face.ufmg.br/index.php/contabilidadevistaerevista/article/view/614. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.