Psychological capital, Motivation to learn, Acquisition of knowledgeAbstract
The research analyzes the influence of psychological capital on the motivation for learning and adquired knowledge of students of a face-to-face undergraduate course in Accounting. Descriptive research was carried out by surveying 235 students from an HEI and using a quantitative approach, using structural equation modeling. Three hypotheses were investigated, which deal with the direct influence of psychological capital on the motivation for learning (H1) and on the acquisition of knowledge (H2) and the mediating effects of motivation for learning on the relationship between psychological capital and knowledge acquisition (H3). The results revealed that psychological capital positively influences the motivation for learning and also exerts a direct and significant influence on the acquisition of knowledge. This evidences shows that when students develop their psychological capital, which is conceptualized by Luthans et al. (2015) as the positive psychological state of an individual's development and is composed of four capacities: self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience, their learning behavior is enhanced and, under these conditions, their ability to acquire new knowledge is also high. The motivation for learning also had a positive influence on the acquisition of knowledge, which indicates that it acts as a mediator of the relationship between psychological capital and knowledge acquisition. This mediation is complementary, in which the effects of psychological capital are direct and indirect in the acquisition of knowledge. It is concluded that students with a higher level of psychological capital are more motivated to learn and tend to have higher levels of knowledge acquired in the Accounting course. These findings contribute to the management of the course, as they can assist in the development of actions, in order to enhance the psychological capital of students and their motivation for learning, which will reflect positively on the acquisition of knowledge.
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