Implications of the Adoption of the Model of Merchant in the Evaluation of the Use of the it for Managerial Control of the Public Service - Analysis of Comprasnet Portal


  • Luiz Claudio Otranto Alves
  • Anderson Soares Silva
  • Ana Carolina Pimentel Duarte da Fonseca


Comprasnet, Reverse Auction, Technology, Information, Control


   Public organizations and privates possess different objectives; but it is undeniable that, under the point of view managerial, such objectives will only be able to be accomplished by the rational use of the economic resources that dispose. Inside of this context, stands out the need of improvement of the activities of managerial control, those have as great allies the resources of the information technology. With the general objective of examining the implications of the adoption of those resources in the managerial control exercised by the Federal Government on the cycle of supplies, this paper observed the historical data of the portal “Comprasnet” and it analyzed the profile of managerial control of the Federal Government, according to the Merchant model. The data of the portal showed the improvement of the indicators, in the period between july/00 and june/06, with increase of the auctioned expenses, larger use of the reverse auction and enlargement of n. of suppliers registered in the portal “Comprasnet.” On the other hand, the framing in the Merchant model had been revealed that the control techniques now in use reveal a “control profile about specific actions.” In the same way as it already happens in the private initiative, this profile can be improved and enlarged for an effective “control on results.” To collaborate with that, the information technology will always be to the disposition.



How to Cite

ALVES, L. C. O.; SILVA, A. S.; DA FONSECA, A. C. P. D. Implications of the Adoption of the Model of Merchant in the Evaluation of the Use of the it for Managerial Control of the Public Service - Analysis of Comprasnet Portal. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, p. 83–108, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.