Information For Authors

Authors must carefully observe the following information:

1. Nova Economia publishes papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English. We currently adopt a policy of preferential publication for papers written in English and Spanish which, if approved for publication after peer-review, will be included in the next issue still in the early stages of editorial preparation.

2. All papers must present unpublished original work and may not be submitted to evaluation to another journal. All manuscripts are checked for originality using the iThenticate service.

3. It is not permissible for an author or co-author to have more than one article simultaneously under evaluation in the journal. Authors or co-authors who have had article approved for publication in the journal should wait twelve months before submitting a new paper. Special Issues are exempted from this rule.

4. Submitted papers must have have a maximun of 8,500 words, in partcicular those that have a applied nature and do not include any theoretical contributions. The journal's policy is to accpet, eventually, manuscripts with up to a  10,000 words, if compeling justification is provided, in order to contemplate a wider variety of research areas in economics. 

Complete papers must have at least 6,000 words, although exceptions may be considered by editors if a justification is provided together with the submission.

All word limits informed above must consider abstracts, list of references and annexes

5. Submitted manuscripts must clearly present, in the introduction, the research problems addressed by the article, as well as their contributions to the relevant literature.

Nova Economia wlecomes case studies, be they regional or sectoral, but in view of the volume of articles received, it is important that the authors situate the article in terms of a broader theoretical, methodological or applied contribution, considering the relevant recent international literature.

6. All papers submitted are previously evaluated by the Editorial Team, to decide on the pertinence of sending manuscripts for peer evaluation. Therefore, it is essential that authors familiarize themselves with the journal's policies in the About the Journal section, as well as to strictly follow the Guidelines for Authors. Non-conforming papers are returned to authors for future resubmission.

7. All authors and co-authors must be registered in the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). The registration for ORCID is free.

To submit papers to the journal it is necessary that the [a] s authors subscribe to the system before submitting an article. If you have already registered, simply access the system and follow the submission process.


The current average time of the editorial process are:

a. Desk evaluation: 15 days;
b. Average time for the first editorial decision after peer review: 4 months;
c. Average time for accepted papers (peer review rounds + corrections): 8 months;
d. Average time for rejected (peer reviewed) papers: 6 months.
e. Average time for final publication: 2 issues;