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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished. The manuscript must not be under consideration for publication in another journal.
  • All authors and co-authors must be registered with the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). Registration for ORCID can be done free of charge at .
  • None of the authors should have had an article approved for publication in the journal in the last 12 months (except in the case of special issues).
  • The text mus be double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and use italics instead of underline (except for URL addresses). Figures and tables must be inserted within the text, and not at the end of the document.
  • Author identification must be removed, guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criteria for peer review. The authors of the document must exclude their names from the text, with the literal "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' names, title of the article, etc.
  • The introduction of the article should clearly present the research problems addressed as well as the contributions of the article, taking into account the relevant literature.
  • Files for submission must be sent in editable formats such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).
  • URLs of references must be provided, including dates of last access.
  • If the paper includes results of a research which includes collection primary data on individuals, i.e. surveys, authors must submit a separate file describing the data collection procedures as well as a letter from their Ethics Commission.
  • Personal, commercial, academic or financial conflicts of interest related to the article must be clearly described and sent in a separate file.
  • The article must include a list of 5 keywords and an abstract of up to 150 words in Portuguese and English;
  • None of the author(s) or co-authors may have another article submitted for evaluation at the same time.
  • Manuscripts must not exceed 8,500 words, in particular applied words. Papers with up to 10,000 words may be considered in order to contemplate a wider variety of areas. Manuscripts must have at least 6,000 words (exceptions may be considered if propper justification is provided). All word limits informed include absctracts, list of references and annexes.
  • The manuscripts will be evaluated while preserving the anonymity of the authors and reviewers during the evaluation process (double-blind review). However, in keeping with the principles of Open Science, authors and reviewers may grant permission for their identities to be revealed in direct communication to the journal's editors.
  • Databases and analysis tools used that cannot be published in the paper itself can be made available in open online repositories (e.g. Zenodo, Figshare and OSF). This information should be included in the manuscript.

Author Guidelines

  1. Nova Economia publishes articles and article reviews in Portuguese, Spanish and English;
  2. Submissions must be unpublished and may not have been submitted to other publications;
  3. It is not permitted for an author to have more than one article simultaneously under evaluation in the journal. Authors who have had an article approved for publication in the journal must wait twelve months from the date of final acceptance of the last article before submitting it again (with the exception of special issues);
  4. Nova Economia has a preferential queuing policy for articles written in English. English-language articles approved for publication will be included in the next issue that is still in the early stages of editorial preparation;
  5. Full articles submitted must be at least 6,000 words long, although exceptions may be considered by the editorial team if duly justified at the time of submission. We recommend that manuscripts, particularly those of an applied nature, should be no longer than 8,500 words at the time of submission. Exceptionally, the journal may accept articles of up to 10,000 words, if justified, with the aim of covering the most diverse areas of research in economics. The word limits include all pre- and post-textual elements, such as abstracts, lists of bibliographical references and annexes.
  6. Files for submission should be sent in editable formats such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).
  7. The texts must be accompanied by a list of keywords and an abstract of up to 150 words in Portuguese and English;
  8. The journal follows the ABNT formatting standard for academic work;
  9. Nova Economia uses the iThenticate/CrossRef system to identify duplicate content in all submissions received. In proven cases of duplicate content, the submission in question will be automatically rejected, without prejudice to other applicable measures.
  10. If the article submitted contains research results that include the collection of primary data relating to individuals, such as surveys, the authors must submit a separate file describing the background to the research, as well as an opinion from their institution's Ethics Committee. The absence of these documents will mean that the articles will be rejected and can be resubmitted once the documents have been provided.
  11. Once the manuscript has been approved for publication, all illustrations (graphs and figures) must be submitted in separate electronic files in an editable format. Graphs and other vector drawings must be sent in TIFF, EPS or PDF format, with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi, accompanied by the source file from which they were generated (e.g. Microsoft Excel). Other figures, such as photographs and scans, must be sent in TIFF, JPEG or PNG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.