About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Nova Economia (ISSN 0103-6351) is a scholarly journal edited by the Economics Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. Created in 1990, the journal publishes original research papers and reviews in economics and related discipinary fields.

In line with the academic orientation that characterizes UFMG's Economics Department, Nova Economia adopts a pluralistic editorial stance, welcoming papers in all research traditions and theoretical approaches. Standards of scholarly quality and relevance are the sole criteria for editorial decisions.

Nova Economia publishes three issues yearly, and offers full open access to its entire content. The entirety of the journal's cathalogue is available for downlowad in PDF format on this website. Issues published since 2000 are also available for download on the Directory of Open Access JournalsEconPapers, SciELO, and Redalyc.

The journal is listed in the following abstracting and indexing services: DOAJEconLitEconPapersIBSSIDEASJournal of Economic LiteratureRedalycSciELOScopusSSRNSociological Abstracts. In 2008, Nova Economia has also been included in Elsevier's Scopus database. 

In line with the advances and demands of the contemporary academic publishing scene, from 2024 (volume 34), Nova Economia will adopt the continuous publication system, thus speeding up the publication of each accepted article.

Peer Review Process

All submisssions are subject to double-blind peer review, and scholarly standards are the sole criteria for editorial decisions.

Following the principles of Open Science, authors and referees can grant permission for their identities to be revealed in direct communication to the journal's editors.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its contents, following the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article submission / processing charges

There are no charges whatsoever accruing to authors who either submit their work to, or publish their work on Nova Economia.