Final Round: Análise de Componentes Aplicada a Atributos de Videogames de Nona Geração




videogames, atributos, análise de componentes, gamer, jogos


Objective: The objective of this article is to discover which groups of attributes exist in a ninth generation video game and which are the most relevant of these.

Method: For this, a survey was carried out, using a Likert scale questionnaire distributed in the main gamer groups on Facebook, obtaining 413 respondents and 39 attributes. To consolidate the attributes, component analysis and the Top Two Box technique were used and to verify the most relevant group.

Originality/Relevance: There is a considerable gap in knowledge on the subject, the situation is worsening in marketing terms, as the majority of work is related to Health and Education.

Results: 5 groups of attributes were obtained that consolidate the 39 attributes mentioned. These are Price and Consistency; High yield; Games and Brand; Service and Social; and Appearance, Control and Innovation. Of these, the most relevant declared by the Brazilian consumer was the first, Price and Consistency.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: Performing a component analysis on a long list of product attributes is especially interesting as it helps to identify the most important ones and directs efforts for further studies.

Author Biography

Mario do Amaral Nascimento, UNESA

Mestre em Administração pela UNESA. Pós- Graduado em Marketing Empresarial pela UFF, Graduado em Administração pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca e Técnico em Informática pela Fundação Bradesco. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência fazendo consultoria em empresas de todos os portes, de multinacionais a pequenas empresas. Nesse interim também lecionando em cursos, aulas e palestras, e produzindo conteúdos sobre diversas áreas de administração, aliando prática a teoria em diversos temas como empreendedorismo, gestão de desempenho, princípios de administração, mapeamento de processos, análise de mercado, etc.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. do A. (2024). Final Round: Análise de Componentes Aplicada a Atributos de Videogames de Nona Geração. Marketing & Tourism Review, 9(1).