Tourism Memes, Cyberspace, Neoliberalism, Subjectivity, Work.Abstract
Considering the growing relevance of cyberspace and social practices on the internet, the purpose of this study is to examine Instagram memes related to the themes of work and travel, highlighting how they contribute to the construction of cyberspace and their ability to reflect an emerging neoliberal subjectivity. To achieve this, a bibliographic research and content analysis were conducted on 65 Instagram memes, based on socio-spatial discussions, resulting in 6 attributed thematic categories: Social / Corporate Critique; Desire to travel; Financial scarcity; Dissatisfaction and/or suffering at work; Satisfaction and/or conformity at work; and Travel and escapism from daily life. Among the main findings, the importance of memes in the cultural influence landscape, identity formation, and political participation stood out, along with the relevance of considering this type of language in its expressions about tourism and its connection with studies about space production for deeper reflections on the effects of the new neoliberal rationality. Furthermore, through the memes, reports of suffering in work relationships, romanticization of travel in the face of dissatisfaction with daily life, frustrations with lack of financial resources, workplace hostilities, as well as challenges in advancing these reflections in light of the obscurity of algorithmic logics were highlighted. As a central result, it was identified that the study of memes expressing tourist imaginaries within the analyzed categories constitutes an important starting point for conducting future investigations on this theme.
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