


marketing, market acceptance, technology acceptance, digital bank, Brazil


This study aimed to evaluate factors that influence the intention of using digital banks by potential consumers in Brazil. The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Although similar studies on this subject have already been conducted, in various contexts and in other countries, this is a pioneering study on this specific topic in the Brazilian context. By means of a descriptive and quantitative approach, data were collected using a questionnaire, in a non-representative sample of 113 potential users. Data analysis was performed using multivariate linear regression. The results indicated that the perception of utility, the perception of satisfaction, the perception of security and privacy, as well as income, positively affect the intention to use the digital bank and are the most significant factors for the studied sample. In addition to the academic contribution to studies focused on the acceptance of banking technologies, the conclusions contribute to enabling digital banks to build strategies that add value to the perception of these factors by potential consumers of banking products.


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How to Cite

Borges, L., Figueiredo, P., Uchoa Passos, F., & Marques dos Santos, E. (2021). DETERMINANT FACTORS OF MARKET ACCEPTANCE OF THE DIGITAL BANKING TECHNOLOGY IN THE BRAZILIAN CONTEXT. Marketing & Tourism Review, 6(2).


