How Many Likes?

Factors Influencing Intention to Visit a Conspicuous Tourism Destination




tourism destination, conspicuous consumption, ewom, social return, symbolic image


The aim of this study was to measure the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Social Return (SR) and Symbolic Image (SI) on the intention to visit a conspicuous tourist destination. The research had a quantitative approach; thus, data were collected through an online survey and the analysis realized by multiple linear regression. The results revealed that eWOM and SI have no influence on the intention to visit a destination. These findings are not in line with most academic researches, but may be associated with the degree of intangibility of tourism activity and the subjectivity of the individual consumer experience. SR demonstrated a positive influence on the intention to visit a conspicuous destination. Such result is congruent with and reinforces the findings obtained by previous researches on consumer behavior. The main contribution of this study consists in confirming the influence of social media on the intention to visit a tourism destination, in search of visibility, distinction and social prestige. Travel has become a tool for displaying status.


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How to Cite

de Moura Domingos, W., Souza Silva, A. ., Freitas da Costa, M. ., & Gomes Fialho, R. G. . (2021). How Many Likes? : Factors Influencing Intention to Visit a Conspicuous Tourism Destination. Marketing & Tourism Review, 6(2).


