Wine Itinerary in São Roque

Relações entre o lazer, o turismo e a participação sociocultural.




Lazer; Roteiro do Vinho de São Roque; Enoturismo; Gastronomia; Participação sociocultural.


This article is a partial result of a case study carried out on the Wine, Leisure and Gastronomy Route of São Roque. In the itinerary there is a diversity of equipment and leisure activities, ranging from traditional wineries and wineries to restaurants, pastry shops, fishing grounds and events. With a varied public - elderly, adult and young - the demand today represents, mostly, residents of the city of São Paulo and surrounding municipalities, of middle class and who use their own vehicle to reach the destination and visit the itinerary. Despite being called “Terra do Vinho” (Wineland), the city is also known for its expressive production of artichokes that appear in typical dishes and is represented in festivals and gastronomic events alongside wine and several dishes, in the form of sweets, savory or in natura for purchase and tasting, including authentic recipes from the region, with an exclusive restaurant for recipes derived from vegetables. In addition to wine and artichoke as representatives of the destination, Italian and Portuguese cuisines are also strong expressions of immigrant culture. Thus, this work aimed to present elements that characterize the gastronomic leisure in the script and how this leisure occurs in the equipment distributed and signaled on a map of the association that manages the itinerary, as well as the relations with tourism and the socio-cultural participation provided by the activities available. Then, six visits in loco were made for participant observation and application of interview forms with entrepreneurs of the itinerary and structured form for interviews with visitors during the period from January 2019 to February 2020. As a result, there are elements that can be presented be considered in this characterization, as well as the discussion from the literature, highlighting the possibilities of leisure when related to wine tourism and gastronomy as a means of socio-cultural participation.



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How to Cite

Martins da Silva, T., & Stoppa, E. A. . (2021). Wine Itinerary in São Roque: Relações entre o lazer, o turismo e a participação sociocultural. Marketing & Tourism Review, 6(2).


