
  • Thiago Duarte Pimentel Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais/Brasil.




Operations management; Supply chain; Planning and production control; Tourism.


This research aimed to analyze the tourism supply chain in Juiz de Fora (MG), considering the national context, both theoretical and practical, of a severe shortage of studies on the tourism production chain, as well as its management tools. Here, we have focused on the analysis of its structural components, main links, internal management process, as well as possible interorganizational relationships. In order to do it, we have theoretically resorted to a literature review on the main concepts of operations management, production management, production planning and control (PCP), logistics, logistics positioning, production chain and tourism supply, in order to analyze and to compare the proposed concepts in order to offer a theoretical model related to the tourism supply chain and then to define adequate concepts for the analysis and its use in the management of operations and the tourist destination chain. Methodologically, this study was used a mixed research, mainly quantitative, as a systematic mapping was carried out through an unintentional and probabilistic sampling with 100 of the companies that make up the tourism production chain in Juiz de Fora (MG). Also, we have complemented these data with some qualitative elements, and the analysis of the reasons for certain types of behaviors and practices of these companies. This city was chosen because it is one of the inductive tourist destinations of the State of Minas Gerais, presenting a 3rd largest tourist flow of the State, as well as the convenience of applying the research, since it is the basis of action of most of the members involved in the project. Empirically, the supply chain of tourism was considered from all its main firms: lodging, food, travel agencies, transport and cultural attractions, according to activities characteristic of tourism (IPEA, 2010). Their analysis was carried out in a systematic way from 6 blocks of questions, each with a battery of questions, which together aimed to produce an "x-ray" of the tourism production chain in Juiz de Fora. In this article, in particular, due to the extension and volume of the data, we activate the analysis of the subset of cultural attractions. The results of this segment show that despite of the revenue of 3,6 millions per year per firm, this is made in the lack of interorganizational relationships, what led us to conclude, that if it were closer and strategically integrated the development of the sector would be much better. As conclusion can be affirmed that such concepts need some modifications so that they are applied to the tourism sector, and consequently, to the service sector.

Author Biography

Thiago Duarte Pimentel, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais/Brasil.

Professor e pesquisador junto a Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/UFJF. Doutor em Ciências Sociais (Sociologia) pela UFJF. Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/UFMG. Bacharel em Turismo (Ênf. Planejamento Integrado) pela UFMG. Professor permanente dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais/PPGCSO e Administração/PPGA em Administração Pública/PROFIAP. Professor no curso de bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas e no curso de Turismo.


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How to Cite

Pimentel, T. D. (2021). A GESTÃO DE OPERAÇÕES EM ORGANIZAÇÕES DA CADEIA PRODUTIVA DO TURISMO: ANÁLISE DA OFERTA DE ATRATIVOS CULTURAIS EM JUIZ DE FORA (MG) . Marketing & Tourism Review, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.29149/mtr.v5i2.5966