Multiplicity and complexity of travel purposes

evidences from tourism demand of a large city


  • Gabriela Camargo EACH/USP
  • Denise Rodrigues EACH/USP
  • Panosso Netto Panosso Netto EACH/USP
  • Glauber EACH/USP



Travel purpose, Travel motivation, Tourist, Tourist behavior., Travel purpose, Travel motivation, Tourist, Tourist behavior


This article focuses on travel purposes by discussing and clarifying the nature of this variable from
conceptual and empirical perspectives. Traditional ways of gathering and presenting information about
travel purposes are inadequate as they simplify reality, disregarding relevant aspects for a
comprehensive inquiry on the subject. A first omission concerns multiple purposes of a single trip
since most surveys currently record only the main travel purpose. Another issue is the heterogeneity
encompassed by the broad categories generally used to describe travel purpose. This article presents
and discusses the results of four surveys that interviewed a total of 4,216 tourists who visited São
Paulo city. The multiple and heterogeneous aspects of travel purposes are examined in detail from
tourists' perspectives. Some recommendations to better specify usual travel purpose concepts are
presented. The paper also suggests that tourism demand questionnaires should be more detailed to
capture travel purposes appropriately. The multiplicity and complexity of travel purposes should not
be underestimated. Recognizing multiple purposes and the heterogeneity encompassed by traditional
travel purpose categories are important steps for better understanding, explaining, and predicting
tourism demand and consumption.


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How to Cite

Camargo, G., Rodrigues, D., Panosso Netto, P. N., & Glauber. (2020). Multiplicity and complexity of travel purposes: evidences from tourism demand of a large city. Marketing & Tourism Review, 5(1).