


external midia; viewing; eye-tracker; consumer attention;


There is a very great disparity between the amount of information received from the environment by the brain and the human capacity for processing. Moreover, the digital boom in all the media has made the consumer's attention fiercer, which has cast doubt on the real effectiveness of traditional media. This exploratory study is limited only to external media (OOH) analysis, in three experiments, seeking to evaluate the visualization of the 48 participants, sitting on the right side of a vehicle in a predefined path. The results of the eye tracker mobile point to the need for OOH creators to be attentive to the positioning, height and especially the layout of messages. The market wants to buy audience and capture the attention of consumers in environment of great visual pollution and competition from various media. A huge amount of resources is wasted because OOHs are not even noticed by consumers

Author Biography

Gabriel Levrini, ESPM

Post Doutor em NeuroMarketing pela UFRGS. Possui graduação em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Mestrado em International Finance - Pacific States University - Los Angeles -USA e Doutor em Administração de Empresas pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


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