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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is original and has not been previously published in other periodicals, nor is it before another journal for consideration. If the work has already been published in whole or in part in conference proceedings, meetings, symposia or other events, the authors should explicitly mention this in two ways: (1) inserting a footnote next to the title of the paper, specifying the publication and year of publication; (2) mentioning the publication and the year of publication also for the editor, in the submission, in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The text meets the formatting and references requirements outlined in Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file is in the format of the provided Template.
  • The manuscript was carefully revised to ensure the quality of writing. In addition, qualitative and / or quantitative methods are presented in a clear, adequate, and sufficient manner.
  • The submission files are in .docx format and do not exceed 2MB.
  • The authorship of the work has been removed from the file and the Properties option in Word to ensure anonymity when the manuscript is subject to double-blind review.
  • The journal uses plagiarism detection software; by submitting manuscripts the authors automatically agree with the use of the mentioned software on the submissions.
  • (New! Please, read carefully) In case of approval of the article by the reviewers, the authors commit to submit the English version of the article, certified by the translators. In case there is no translation certificate, the authors agree that the English version will be evaluated by the responsible for the English proofreader of the magazine, bearing the costs of this service.
  • All submission authors are registered in the journal. Complete data filling (even if not marked as mandatory) from all authors is requested: ORCID, Institution, Brief biography (highest degree and current position). Only assets whose metadata is all filled in will go on to the assessment. MTR is NOT responsible for not including the names of all authors in the publication.

Author Guidelines

Submissions are free of charge and can be done at any time, in a continuous flow. The Editorial and Scientific Board adopts double-blind review to evaluate the manuscripts submitted for publication. Most reviewers are external to UFMG.

The average time between submission and receipt of the first assessments is 2 months

The manuscript must be original and contain between 6,500 and 10,000 words, including title, abstract, keywords, references and, if appropriate, acknowledgments. The maximum length is 12,000 words in case the reviewers request changes that increase the length / the text.

The article brings an empirical research or represents a theory improvement.

The journal uses plagiarism detection software. By submitting manuscripts the authors automatically agree to the use of the mentioned software on the submissions.

Original manuscripts submissions, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish are accepted for consideration. All manuscripts must have a version of the title, abstract, and keywords in English.

The manuscripts must be submitted using the template provided template

NOTE: The template should be saved to your hard disk. You can work on the manuscript, formatting it according to the template and the guidelines provided here. Please, do not modify anything in the template provided.

Failure to comply with this criterion will result in the return of the manuscript on condition of: inadequate submission.


Page size: A4 (29.7 x 21 cm)

Margins: Top: 3cm; Bottom: 2cm; Right: 2cm; Left: 3cm.

File format: Microsoft Word 6.0 or later.

Font size: Century Gothic, 12-point.

Line spacing: Simple space for titles and abstract. 1.5 lines for main text.

Paragraphs: Justified.

The journal accepts manuscripts with up to 5 authors and all of them must be registered in this website.

1 - The manuscript must not contain any author identification in the text. Sections are numbered consecutively, starting from the introduction section. It should contain: Title and Abstract with Keywords (Portuguese and English), Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Method (except for theoretical essays), Analysis and Discussion of Results, Conclusions or Concluding Remarks, and References.

2 - Title: It should indicate the main result found in the work, informing the reader the main contribution of the work.

3 - Abstract: Should contain up to 250 words. The abstract should provide clear information about the purpose of the work, the theoretical basis used, the main methodological considerations (when applicable) and the most relevant results. Acknowledgments must be at the end of the abstract.

4. Keywords: Between 3 and 5 words and commas between keywords.

5 – Citations and References: must contain all sources of information cited in the text, following the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and reference style. It is recommended a careful read and full compliance with the detailed APA guidelines on citations and references, failure to comply with this criterion will result in the return of the work on condition of: inadequate submission.

6 – No footnotes or endnotes are accepted, except for the footnote (next to the title) for articles already presented at events, congresses, seminars. If the work has been published in whole or in part in conference proceedings, meetings, symposia or other events, the authors should mention this explicitly, inserting a footnote next to the title of the work, the title of the event and the year of publication

7 – Tables, Figures, and other graphics should be numbered consecutively, in the body of the text, next to the paragraph in which they are mentioned.

8 - In case of approval of the article by the reviewers, the authors commit to submit the English version of the article, certified by the translators. In case there is no translation certificate, the authors agree that the English version will be evaluated by the responsible for the English proofreader of the magazine, bearing the costs of this service.

In addition, the authors, in submitting, agree to the following aspects:

The submission is original and has not been previously published in other periodicals, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

If the work has already been published in whole or in part in conference proceedings, meetings, symposia or other events, the authors should explicitly mention this in two ways: (1) inserting a footnote next to the title of the paper, specifying the publication and year of publication; (2) mentioning the publication and the year of publication also for the editor, in the submission, in "Comments to the Editor".

The text meets the formatting and references requirements outlined in Author Guidelines.

The submission file is in the format of the provided Template.

The manuscript was carefully revised to ensure the quality of writing. In addition, qualitative and/or quantitative methods are presented in a clear, adequate, and sufficient manner.

The submission files are in .docx format and do not exceed 2MB

The authorship of the work has been removed from the file and the Properties option in Word to ensure anonymity when the manuscript is subject to double-blind review.

The article brings an empirical research or represents a theory improvement.


Política padrão de seção

Research Notes

Nessa seção, são feitos comunicados de pesquisas, ou de temáticas muito contemporâneas ou de projetos em andamento.

Nesse caso, a avaliação será somente de desk research.

Será atribuído DOI à comunicação. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.