Career Opportunities in the Hotel Industry

The Perspective of Hotel Management Undergraduate's Students from the City of São Paulo




Employer Branding, Undergraduate´s Students, Hotel Industry, Career Opportunities


Attracting and retaining highly skilled employees might be a challenging mission in the hotel industry. Thus, this study´s aim is to uncover how the hotel management undergraduate´s students evaluate the hotel industry’s capacity to offer attractive career opportunities. Semi-structured interviews were taken with 13 students from a college in São Paulo, Brazil.

Through a thematic analysis it was found that the course enabled students to develop a more realistic view about the work in hotels and broaden their professional horizons. Furthermore, although the students tended to evaluate functional benefits’ proposal as insufficient, they still consider this industry as an attractive career option.

Author Biography

Gabriel Kilson, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Bacharelado em Hotelaria no Centro Universitário SENAC São Paulo e Mestrado em Marketing na Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


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How to Cite

Kilson, G. (2021). Career Opportunities in the Hotel Industry: The Perspective of Hotel Management Undergraduate’s Students from the City of São Paulo. Marketing & Tourism Review, 6(1).