
  • Ana Paula Luna Sales LEV UFC



Morality, Sexuality, Radicalism


In this article I analyze the uses of the languages of love and rights in the missionary actions to confront "sexual crimes" carried out in the places dedicated to transnational encounters on Iracema Beach in Fortaleza. Based on ethnography, I argue that, in the context of transnational sexual economies, love is the privileged language to articulate demands for recognition and to describe transnational affective-sexual relationships. In both spheres, discourses about sexuality are eclipsed alongside the debate about sexual rights. The language of missionary love articulates gender, sexuality, and conjugality, which has the effect of making it impossible to morally recognize prostitutes as ethical subjects. I observe that the limits to the recognition of ethical subjects related to the language of love overflow, however, the missionary discourses, being shared also by some feminist movements when they do not recognize legitimacy to the experience of sexuality in the transits between the public and private spheres.


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