"I Want You Just For Me" - an Analysis of the Sensebreaking Process and the Reflective Break of Identity as a Momentum for Subjectivity Sequestration


  • Eduardo Guedes Villar Federal University of Paraná
  • Carolina de Souza Walger Federal University of Paraná
  • Natália Rese Federal University of Paraná




Abduction of subjectivity, Sensebreaking, Identity, Identification, Organizational socialization tactics


In this theoretical essay we aim to detail how organizations act to create an existential void in the neophyte, so that they can supplant a new identity perspective. Backed by the literature of sensebreaking and identity building in nontraditional organizations, we present the argument that sensebreaking generates the reflexive rupture of identity, which is characterized as a momentum for the sequestering of subjectivity. For this, we identify three routines used to generate the rupture of meaning, which are: (i) the current identity breakdown; (ii) socialization aimed at imbuing new meaning; and (iii) deprivation of the individual in the control of his/her acts, desires and dreams. In terms of theoretical contribution, we highlight the 'rescue' of the concept of subjectivity sequestration, as a way of organizing our theoretical essay to analyze the reflexive rupture of the individual's identity in his/her socialization process.

Author Biographies

Carolina de Souza Walger, Federal University of Paraná

Professor at Positivo University.

Natália Rese, Federal University of Paraná

Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Paraná.


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