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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors followed all the ethical and integrity principles during the research that originated the manuscript. In the case of theoretical contributions or literature review, the authors followed the best practices regarding the use of third-party intellectual property.
  • The contribution is novel and unpublished, is not under evaluation for publication nor has it been published by another journal, book, or conference proceedings with an ISSN, and fits into the aims and scope of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society. In the case of material already published in a previous version in proceedings of technical-scientific events, this must be informed to the editor at the time of submission, and there must be no more than 500 words of overlap.
  • The submission file is in a format compatible with the most widely used text editors, presented in .rtf (rich text format) or .doc extension and has a maximum size of 1 MB.
  • URLs for references have been provided where possible and are active.
  • El texto está a un solo espacio; utiliza un tipo de letra de 12 puntos; emplea cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); las figuras y tablas se insertan en el texto, no al final del documento como apéndices.
  • The text follows the style guidelines and bibliographic requirements described in Author guidelines, in the About section of the website.
  • Authorship identification should be removed, ensuring confidentiality in peer review. Author(s) of the document should exclude their name(s) from the text and year used in references and footnotes, instead of the author(s) name, article title etc. In Microsoft Office documents, the author ID should be removed from the file properties.
  • The contribution has a maximum of four authors.
  • Regardless of the order of authorship, the submitted contribution is at most the second made by the author or co-author in the year.
  • The author(s) assume(s) that in the contribution there is no more than 500 words of overlap with other publications, being aware that above this limit, the contribution will be archived.
  • In case of acceptance, in the case of contributions submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, the authors undertake to provide, without charge to Farol - Revista de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociedade, an English language version from the communication of the editorial decision of acceptance, if requested by the editor. In the case of texts in English, the text must be translated into Portuguese. Both versions will be published.
  • All authors of the contribution who hold a PhD are willing to act as ad hoc referees in the future in their respective areas of expertise.
  • The contribution falls within the focus and scope of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society.
  • The contribution, when theoretical-empirical, presents only qualitative data.

Author Guidelines





Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society welcomes unpublished contributions in the form of Covers, Articles, Essays, Debates, Provocations, Interviews, Narratives, Reviews (of books, films, exhibitions, artistic performances, and events), Visual Essays and Videos. The languages accepted for contributions are Portuguese, English, and Spanish, as long as they comply with the journal’s editorial policy and author guidelines. Authors can be affiliated to any organization, without any restrictions, as long as they follow the author guidelines in their contributions. At least 60% of the content published by the journal consists of original research.



Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society has been conceived and disseminated based on the open-access model and allows access and download of its files by any user, as well as their copying and dissemination according to the Creative Commons Attribution License.



Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society does not charge authors any fee for the submission or publication of contributions. Both the submission and access to its content are entirely free of charge.



The contributions submitted to Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society as Covers, Articles, Essays, Debates, Provocations, Interviews, Narratives, Reviews (of books, films, exhibitions, artistic performances, and events), Visual Essays and Videos – must be unpublished, both nationally and internationally, cannot be under consideration for publication, and may not have been published in any other outlet, such as journals, books or conference proceedings with an ISSN

By submitting a contribution, the author states that it does not infringe any copyright or other third party right, assuming full responsibility in case of infringement. Excerpts of the articles can be used without prior authorization, as long as the source is cited.

The opinions, ideas, and concepts expressed in the published contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors and are not necessarily those of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society. The editorial team acknowledges that this is an outlet that aims to publish positions, while not necessarily assuming the specific positions of its contributors.

Whatever their modality, only contributions that follow the submission guidelines and are uploaded through the journal’s online submission system will be forwarded for blind review by the editorial team. The submitted works will undergo a preliminary assessment (desk review), to verify if they fit into the aims and scope of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society. Papers that eventually fall outside the journal’s aims and scope, or that violate any of the guidelines for authors, will be rejected at this stage (desk reject). Contributions rejected at this stage and duly corrected may be resubmitted, and the limit of contributions per year will be counted.



Each contribution can have up to four authors. For works with more than four authors, these must be cited as collaborators in an explanatory note. No authorship change (removal, inclusion, or substitution) is allowed after the online submission of the manuscript. Any request for authorship change will imply the archiving of the work in question.



The editorial policy of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society limits to two submissions per author per year, regardless of the modality of contribution, and regardless of the author’s contribution to a given work. Re-submission of a modified version of a contribution rejected by the ad hoc reviewers is not allowed.



Authors must assure that the research behind any submission made to Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society complies with ethical and integrity principles. Manuscripts evaluated by the editorial team of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society which fail to comply with ethical principles will be summarily rejected, and the submission of new contributions by the author will be prevented in the future. For this reason, if possible, authors should make available information concerning the ethical criteria involved in inviting participants, the procedures for freely adhering to the research, the ethical concerns associated with information handling and integrity, among other aspects recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), whose principles Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society adhere to (

It is recommended to submit contributions from projects that have been submitted and/or approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the authors' institutions of origin. In this cases, it is essential to indicate the numbering of the Certificate of Ethical Appraisal (C.A.A.E.) in the manuscript's methodology. In cases where the contribution has not been submitted to the Committee on Ethics in Research, the main author of the work must fill out a document, "Declaration of obedience to the principles and ethical precepts in research with human beings" provided by the editorial office, which ensures that the principles and ethical precepts that guide the research with human beings were observed.



The standards of ethical conduct of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society for editors, special editors, ad hoc reviewers, and contributors are based on the best practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals. These standards seek to assure editorial ethics and the quality of contributions based on the assumption of standard ethical behavior, as described below.

7.1 Responsibilities of the Editorial Team

Editors must evaluate the contributions exclusively based on their merit and decide which of the submitted works can be published, considering the editorial policy of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society. The editorial decision of acceptance or rejection considers the recommendations journal’s ad hoc reviewers. No unpublished material included in a submitted article can be used by reviewers or members of the editorial team in their investigations before publication by the journal.

7.2 Responsibilities of Ad Hoc Reviewers

Through the evaluation, the objective of the ad hoc reviewers is to support the acceptance or rejection of the submitted contributions. Therefore, reviewers must carefully examine the contributions, substantiating their considerations with clarity and depth, so that they can be improved. In case the ad hoc reviewers are not specialized in the subject in question, they are advised to formalize their unavailability to proceed with the evaluation process.

As it is forbidden to submit material already published in conference proceedings with an ISSN or that is currently under evaluation by other journals and books, ad hoc reviewers should preliminarily identify whether that is the case of the submission assigned to them. In case a previous publication is confirmed, the contribution will be archived immediately.

In the event of identifying possible conflicts of interest associated with competition, collaboration, or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected with the contributions, ad hoc reviewers identify possible should refuse to proceed with the evaluation. The impossibility to carry out the evaluation must also be formalized in case the deadline requested by the editorial team cannot be met unless the ad hoc reviewer negotiates an extension with the editorial board and provided that it does not prolong the editorial process excessively.

Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society adopts double-blind reviews. Therefore, submitted contributions should be treated as confidential documents and not be discussed with others until they are published. Ad hoc reviewers must evaluate the works based on their content, and their comments must be respectful to express their feedback clearly, substantied and constructively.

If possible, ad hoc reviewers should point out relevant works that may have not been cited by the authors. Also, fragments that have been previously mentioned in other papers must be cited. It is also up to ad hoc reviewers to alert the editorial team of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society about significant similarities between the text under evaluation and any other published works of which they are aware, to avoid possible plagiarism. Finally, the editorial team of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society will submit all contributions to plagiarism detection software, regardless of the evaluation conducted by the ad hoc reviewers.

7.3 Responsibilities of Authors

Upon submission, the authors declare that their contribution is original, is not under evaluation by other journals or books, nor has it been previously published in its complete form in any other language, as in the case of conference proceedings with an ISSN – which must be compulsorily identified. In the case of conferences that have an ISSN and that publish full papers in their proceedings, the submission of the same material to Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society is not allowed.

The authorship of a contribution is limited to those who contributed to the preparation of the material, up to a maximum of four authors. For works with more contributors, these must be registered as collaborators in an explanatory note. It is the responsibility of the author submitting the work to keep the other authors informed about the editorial process, and they must assure that there is consensus among them as to the version to be submitted for publication, as well as the intermediate and final version of the contribution.

The authors must cite all references that have grounded their contribution, and always highlight the participation of the authors who preceded the text so that ideas previously developed by other authors are not presented as their own.

Whenever a mistake is found in an already published contribution, they must immediately inform the editorial team of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society and collaborate to correct it. If the editorial team identifies significant errors in the submitted works, the authors will be contacted, and are expected to collaborate in correcting the published contribution and/or providing evidence of the accuracy of the original contribution.

Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society considers as unethical and absolutely unacceptable (a) any form of fraud, such as the submission of fictitious empirical research or those that are intentionally inaccurate; (b) any form of plagiarism; and (c) submission of the contribution simultaneously to another definitive format, such as a book chapter, scientific journal, or conference with an ISSN. In any of these cases, the contribution will be archived, and authors will be prevented from submitting new contributions in the future.



The publication of two papers with significant content overlapping is not acceptable, even in different journals. Publications with a single data set should only be allowed up to 500 words, for papers with different approaches and purposes. Whether in this case or if a preliminary version of the contribution has been presented at a technical-scientific event, the publisher must be notified at the time of submission if the work is in any way partially published., the editorial team must be notified at the time of submission. In case of any irregularity in this regard, the text will be archived, and the authors punished, at the discretion of the editorial team.



The submission file must contain no information allowing author identification. If the author can be identified in the body of the text or the references section, the file will be archived. Authors who cite their own works should avoid doing whenever possible, in order to avoid their identification.

The authorship of the contributions will only be identified on the system page, at the time of submission. The following information is requested by the system: work title, the full name of the authors, name of the institution to which they are affiliated, positions they occupy, address, e-mail, ORCID, and academic background. For works with several authors, they must be ranked according to their contribution, up to four, as specified previously.



Bibliographic, documentary, and website references must appear at the end of the text, organized as a single list entitled “References”, according to an adaptation of the APA standards.

We believe that to recognize the women’s participation in the construction of knowledge in Organizational Studies, we must first make their contribution visible. Therefore, all first names need to be made explicit in the list of references.

Before submitting a paper to Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society, authors should link the citations to the references, to ensure that all citations are included in the list of references. Here are some referencing examples:


Faria, José H. (2017). Poder, controle e gestão. Curitiba: Juruá.

Multiple authors

Prado, Marco A. M. & Machado, Frederico V. (2008). Preconceito contra homossexualidades – a hierarquia da invisibilidade. São Paulo: Cortez.

Book chapter

Dantas, Marcelo (2016). Liderança em organizações étnico-culturais: o caso do carnaval da Bahia. In Rita C. D. P. Alves & Cláudio O. C. Nascimento. (Orgs.). Formação cultural – sentidos epistemológicos e políticos (pp. 237-259). Cruz das Almas: UFRB; Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço.

Journal articles

Rodrigues, Marcio S. & Silva, Rosimeri F. C. (2019). Nova República, novas práticas: uma análise do processo de empresarização do ensino superior no Brasil (1990-2010). Farol – Revista de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociedade, 6(15), 176-218.

Thesis and dissertations

Magalhães, Alex F. (2018). Poder, autonomia e seus avessos: reflexões sobre o empoderamento de gays em organizações de trabalho privadas. Tese de doutorado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.

Silva, Elisângela J. F. (2019). Entre vivências e lembranças de um quilombo urbano: história, memória e discurso. Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.


Lacerda, Carlos C. O. & Ipiranga, Ana S. R. (2019). As teses sobre o conceito da história de Walter Benjamin: uma análise da literatura e oportunidades de estudos no contexto das cidades. Anais do Encontro de Estudos Organizacionais da ANPAD, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, X.

Calixto, Carina, Guerra, José R. F., Queiroz, Alessandra, & Santos, Denise B. M. (2019). Modernizar o passado na construção do futuro: a trajetória da refuncionalização turística na vida urbana. Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos Organizacionais, Recife, PE, Brasil, VI.

Electronic documents

Sternad, Dietmar & Kennely, James J. (2019). The effects of social acceleration on the organization-place relationship. Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 17(3), 26-36. Recuperado em 13 janeiro, 2020 de:

Legal Materials

Brasil. Lei n. 9.984, de 17 de julho de 2000 (2000). Dispõe sobre a criação da Agência Nacional de Águas - ANA, entidade federal de implementação da Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos e de coordenação do Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos, e dá outras providências. Brasília, DF. Recuperado em 10 abril, 2007 de:



Works for submission must be original and novel and provocative contributions that fit into the aims and scope of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society.

The contribution, when theoretical-empirical, must present only qualitative data.

The contribution can be submitted at any time, since the journal adopts the continuous flow regime for the submission of papers.

The contributions cannot be under evaluation by another definitive publication, such as books, journals, and conference proceedings with an ISSN.

The contributions cannot have been previously published in their complete form in journals, books, or conference proceedings with an ISSN. In the case of material already published in a previous version in proceedings of technical-scientific events, this must be informed to the editor at the time of submission, and there must be no more than 500 words of overlap.

The contributions must have up to four authors.

The contributions must not contain information allowing authors to be identified, and the “Author’s Properties” must be excluded in the case of works prepared in word processors.

Members of the editorial team cannot be authors or co-authors of contributions, particularly when they are responsible for special sections or thematic dossiers. However, texts can have authors or co-authors belonging to the editorial team of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society and the Federal University of Minas Gerais, as long as they do not participate in any stage of the evaluation process.

Each issue of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society shall avoid the concentration of authors by region, whenever possible.

In case contributions submitted in Portuguese or Spanish are accepted, the authors undertake to provide an English version of their work, free of charge, to Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society, as soon as they are informed about the acceptance, if requested by the publisher. Articles written in English must be translated into Portuguese. Both versions will be published online.

Other modalities of contribution besides Covers, Articles, Essays, Debates, Provocations, Interviews, Narratives, Reviews (of books, films, exhibitions, artistic performances, and events), Visual Essays and Videos are possible, provided that the editorial board is consulted in advance. Likewise, special sections may be incorporated upon spontaneous demand from the Iberoamerican community of Organizational Studies or induced by the journal’s editorial team.

11.1 Specific guidelines for the “Covers” section 

The “Covers” section welcomes artwork (paintings, drawings, prints, photographs) created to express visual representations preferably related to the problematization of the world and the relationship between society and organizations. The contributions chosen as covers will permanently illustrate the issue for which they were selected, and made available for online access without restrictions, as a way to disseminate their authors’ work. Covers for submission must:

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- include a high-resolution file of the image (in JPEG or TIFF format and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi). The journal reserves the right to reject images without the necessary quality for suitable publication;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include specific information about the image, namely title (if any), date of creation, technique, dimensions (in cm), location (name of the museum, collection, etc., when applicable), city (if any);

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all URL addresses active, when applicable.

11.2 Specific guidelines for the “Articles” section

The “Articles” section welcomes academic papers of a theoretical-empirical nature that reflect on the research results. These should include the following sections, at the authors’ discretion: introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis, and discussion of empirical material, conclusion, and references. Articles for submission must:

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt, and not exceed 20,000 words;

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English;

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.3 Specific guidelines for the “Essays” section

The “Essays” section welcomes theoretical papers which problematize, in an in-depth and critical manner, themes of interest to the Iberoamerican community of organizational studies, with various ontological, axiological, ethical, aesthetic, political, epistemological, theoretical, methodological and analytical approaches, in addition to others that may have not been described herein. These should include, at the authors’ discretion, the following elements: introduction, problematization, theorization, propositions, conclusion, and references. Essays for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt, and not exceed 20,000 words;

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English;

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.4 Specific guidelines for the “Debates” section

The “Debates” section welcomes high-quality academic discussions on a topic of interest to the Iberoamerican community of organizational studies. It should consist of at least four papers, proposed by authors from different institutions. Firstly, based on the initial proposition, at least two critiques should be elaborated to broaden or oppose the initial argument, followed by a response by the authors of the initial paper. Therefore, it is a necessarily collective and inter-institutional proposal. Debates for submission must:

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing and be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt. The proposal should not exceed 15,000 words, including references; each of the reviews can have up to 8,000 words (including references), and the response must up to 6,000 words (including references).

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

* Note: as the debate consists of at least four papers, its submission process differs from other contributions. In step 2 of the submission process (transfer of the manuscript), only the text related to the initial proposal should be submitted In step 3 (inclusion of metadata), only information about the authors of the initial proposal should be included. In step 4, (transfer of supplementary documents) four files must be included, namely (a) the initial proposal, (b) the two critiques (without identifying the authors), (c) the authors’ response to the critique, and (d) another file containing the identification information about the authors of the critiques. The document containing the authors’ identification is the only one that should not have the option “present document to the evaluators (without metadata)” checked, as this would compromise blind peer review. This option should be checked for the other documents because they are typically submitted to evaluation by ad hoc reviewers.

11.5 Specific guidelines for the “Provocations” section 

The “Provocations” section welcomes deep-thought academic texts with a looser, less-restrictive format, which critically and provocatively examine controversial topics related to the wide interface between organizational studies and society. Provocations for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt., and not exceed 15,000 words, including references (when applicable);

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.6 Specific guidelines for the “Interviews” section 

The “Interviews” section welcomes high-quality academic interactions in which interviewers critically and provocatively address the opinions of one or more persons about a theme related to the interface between organizational studies and society. Interviews for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt., and not exceed 15,000 words, including references (when applicable);

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.7 Specific guidelines for the “Narratives” section 

The “Narratives” section welcomes biographic reflections that provide a personal account of a topic relevant to the Iberoamerican community of Organizational Studies. Narratives for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed sequentially using one of the most widely used word processors, with no blank spaces between lines;

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt., and not exceed 12,000 words, including references (when applicable);

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.8 Specific guidelines for the “Reviews” section 

The “Reviews” section welcomes texts in which the authors perform a critical analysis of a book, film, exhibition, artistic performance, or event of interest to the Iberoamerican community of organizational studies. The authors should synthesize, analyze, and evaluate the book, film, exhibition, artistic performance, or event, thus introducing it to the community and contributing to the field of organizational studies. Reviews for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed using one of the most widely used word processors.

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- use simple spacing, be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt., and not exceed 6,000 words, including references (when applicable);

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.9 Specific guidelines for the “Visual Essays” section 

The “Visual Essays” section welcomes narrative investigations told through photographs, in which the authors address a theme related to the interests of the Iberoamerican community of organizational studies. Visual essays for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be typed using one of the most widely used word processors.

- be saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format. PDF files will not be accepted;

- not exceed 1 MB (megabyte);

- be set to A4 paper size, with the top and left margins set to 3 cm and the right and bottom margins set to 2 cm.

- include a 2,000-word text broadly stating what the essay is about and how it fits into the scope of organizational studies. The text must use simple spacing and be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt.

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- not exceed 40 pages, including high-resolution photographs and references (if applicable);

- only include footnotes with substantive information for the proper understanding of the paper’s arguments, when applicable. These must be numbered continuously. Do not use footnotes or endnotes for citations;

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- figures and tables should appear in the body of the text, not as attachments, if applicable;

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; 

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include direct citations translated into the language of publication chosen by the authors. Citations in the original language must be footnoted;

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all “URL” addresses active.

11.10 Specific guidelines for the “Videos” section 

The “Videos” section welcomes digital contributions presenting a reflection conveyed by a moving image sequence which can be discussed within the scope of organizational studies. Videos for submission must: 

- follow the author guidelines;

- include all metadata indicated in the submission form;

- be saved in video file extensions that can be reproduced by one of the most popular digital video players;

- include a 2,000-word text broadly stating what the video is about and how it fits into the scope of organizational studies. The text must use simple spacing and be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12pt.

- use paragraph marks between them (indents or automatic spacing should not be used);

- not exceed 30 minutes in length.

- be suitable for publication, that is, properly revised in terms of language and style, as well as referencing guidelines;

- make the credits information explicit in the video or text (argument, direction, editing, screenplay, etc.)

- be in Portuguese, Spanish or English; videos spoken in English and Spanish should have subtitles, to facilitate understanding;

- have a concise title (and subtitle, if applicable) of no more than 15 words, presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish, regardless of the language of submission;

- include an abstract – without references – with 100 (one hundred) to 150 (one hundred and fifty) words in length, addressing what the proposal is about and its adherence to organizational studies;

- include three to five keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

- include, if applicable, citations and references according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;. Do not use op. cit., ibid, and other terms;

- include the authors’ first names in each reference;

- for in-text citations with four authors or more, use the last name of the first author followed by et al. The names of all authors must be included in the references, according our adaptation of the APA referencing guide;

- have all URL addresses active, when applicable.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission’s compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that fail to comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  1. The authors followed all the ethical and integrity principles during the research that originated the manuscript. In the case of theoretical contributions or literature review, the authors followed the best practices regarding the use of third-party intellectual property.
  2. The contribution falls within the focus and scope of Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society.
  3. The contribution is novel and unpublished, is not under evaluation for publication nor has it been published by another journal, book, or conference proceedings with an ISSN, and fits into the aims and scope ofFarol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society. In the case of material already published in a previous version in proceedings of technical-scientific events, this must be informed to the editor at the time of submission, and there must be no more than 500 words of overlap.
  4. The contribution, when theoretical-empirical, presents only qualitative data.
  5. The submission file is in a format compatible with the most widely used word processors, saved in .rtf (rich text format) or .docx format, and does not exceed 1 MB (megabyte).
  6. The referenced URLs have been provided whenever possible and are currently active.
  7. The text is formatted in simple spacing, typed in a 12pt font size, uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses), and figures and tables appear in the body of the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.
  8. The text follows the style guidelines and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, in the About section of the website.
  9. Identification of authorship should be removed, ensuring confidentiality in peer review. Author(s) of the document should exclude their name(s) from the text and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the name(s) of author(s), title of the article, etc. In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification should be removed from the file properties.
  10. The contribution has up to four authors.
  11. Regardless of the order of authorship, the submitted contribution is, at most, the third one made by the author or co-author in the current year.
  12. The authors state that their contribution has no more than 500 overlapping words and are aware that word counts above this limit will lead to the archiving of the contribution.
  13. In case contributions submitted in Portuguese or Spanish are accepted, the authors undertake to provide, free of charge, Farol – Journal of Organization Studies and Society, an English version of their work, as soon as they are informed about the acceptance. Texts written in English must be translated to Portuguese. Both versions will be published.
  14. All authors who are PhDs are available to work as ad hoc reviewers in their respective areas of competence in the future.


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