Network cooperation, Bridging centrality, Transnational corporations, Visual network analysisResumo
While it is rather common to apply network analysis to study cooperation and/or competition in organizational economic studies to sketch out strategies for effective networking in terms of innovation, performance or else, this paper seeks to instead point to the underlying tensions and dialectics in the capitalist embeddedness of industry networks. The Dutch paper industry network analyzed here is a prime example of inter-organizational cooperation during post-Fordism. The visual network analysis illustrates how cooperation changed under rising suspicion and actual prosecution of collusive practices. While, on the one hand side, the efforts to fortify inter-organizational cooperation to relieve the industry of competitive pressures at times is threatened by the rising dominance of transnational corporations in the network, the study also shows, how small and medium-sized enterprises and family-owned businesses occupy advantageous structural positions of bridging between densely connected clusters of the network.
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