Sentiment Analysis, Vaccine, Covid-19, Stock Market, ForecastAbstract
This paper had two main objectives: the first was to perform a sentiment analysis to the detect the dominant feeling of twitter brazilian users about the vaccine/vaccination against Covid-19 in that country, and the second one was to investigate if there is a relationship of dependence between the verified feeling and the fluctuations of the intern stock market. To carry out the research, machine learning algorithms were used. For sentiment analysis the method used was Naive Bayes, and for the forecast of the financial market, was used the SVM method combined with the cross-validation technique applied to time series. As a result, it was found that the dominant feeling about the analyzed topic was negative for all days that comprised the research sample and the main highlight of the negative messages was the reaffirmation of the pandemic situation and the allusion to terms related to policy. Furthermore, the research was not able to confirm the dependence relationship between the daily sentiment about the Covid-19 vaccine and the oscillations observed in the financial market. Finally, the results found suggest a more incisive action by political entities in vaccination and information campaigns, to regain public credibility with regard to the control of the pandemic in the country. Despite that, it suggests the application of other methods to investigate the relationship between sentiment and the financial market, for example, to analyze this relation in hours and minutes, instead of days.
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