Discussion on the Controversial Economic Paradigm in Empirical Research in Managerial Accounting


  • Franklin Carlos Cruz Silva
  • Kátia Silene Lopes de Souza Albuquerque
  • Sônia Maria da Silva Gomes


Accounting Research, Management Accounting, Economics-Based Monolithic Paradigm.


This article aims to discuss the controversy of the economic paradigm to be adopted in management accounting research proposed by Zimmerman (2001) and criticized by some researchers as an important risk for the development of research in this area. In order to achieve this goal, we chose to develop a descriptive study, using the Literature Review. The construction of the study was in two stages. In the first stage were selected scientific journals with peer review in the database ProQuest: ABI / INFORM Global and Science Direct Access. In the second step, the abstracts were reviewed, when necessary the full text, seeking to analyze the reading given to the criticisms of Zimmerman, as well as the identification of author(s), institution(s), subject, context, research issue and conclusion. It is perceived, based on research undertaken, that there are pros and cons to conjecture made by Zimmerman (2001). Note that there is a consensus among the discussants that the economic paradigm alone is not able to respond to issues of managerial accounting, given the complexity of the environment in which it is inserted.



How to Cite

SILVA, F. C. C.; ALBUQUERQUE, K. S. L. de S.; GOMES, S. M. da S. Discussion on the Controversial Economic Paradigm in Empirical Research in Managerial Accounting. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 4, p. 87–107, 2009. Disponível em: https://revistas.face.ufmg.br/index.php/contabilidadevistaerevista/article/view/717. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.