
  • Weven da Silva Viana da Fonseca Feitosa Fucape Business School
  • Fernando Caio Galdi Fucape Business School
  • Andréia Hartwig



Hedge Accounting, Earnings, Persistence, Banks


The present study investigates whether the hedge accounting criteria established by Bacen Circular nº 3,082 increases earnings persistence for Brazilian banks. To investigate our research question we consider the Hedge Accounting (HA) adoption date for each bank in our sample. Using different performance metrics, the persistence regression coefficients were estimated, and for each dependent variable (performance metrics) the coefficients were estimated for the “with HA” and “without HA” periods. It should also be noted that it used two different regressions, one with a one-month lag for the data, and another considering a twelve-month lag. The results show that the coefficients of the periods "with HA" were higher than those of periods "without HA", in line with our hypothesis. The only exception, with respect to data with an annual lag, was due to the fact that the T-Test points to the lack of significance of the slope coefficient referring to the net result metric for the period without HA. In view of this, it can be suggested that the adoption of such criteria by banks is capable of increasing the persistence of the disclosed accounting data.

Author Biographies

Weven da Silva Viana da Fonseca Feitosa, Fucape Business School

Mestre em Ciências Contábeis

Fernando Caio Galdi, Fucape Business School

Pós-Doutor em Contabilidade


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How to Cite

FEITOSA, W. da S. V. da F.; GALDI, F. C.; HARTWIG , A. . THE ADOPTION OF HEDGE ACCOUNTING AND THE PERSISTENCE OF RESULTS DISCLOSED BY BANKS IN THE BRAZILIAN MARKET. Contabilidade Vista & Revista, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 3, p. 106–127, 2020. DOI: 10.22561/cvr.v30i3.4984. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.