Revista de Administração Hospitalar e Inovação em Saúde



Objective: To present a bibliometric study on performance indicators in hospital management. Method: A bibliometric review was used. We chose to use the Web of Science database for data collection and the software "Bibliometrix" and "StudioR" for data analysis. The methodological strategy to search for scientific material was carried out as follows: key words such as "performance indicator", "hospital management" and "performance" were used in the scientific search. In total, we obtained 296 documents. No time frame was used in the sampling, so the search covered materials from 1945, date of foundation of the Web of Science database, until 2021, when the survey was made. In the first step, data about authors, journals and documents were analyzed. In the second step, the analysis addressed the conceptual and intellectual structure. Theoretical background: a temporal evolution was presented about the scientific publications on performance indicators in hospital management with different focuses on hospital organization. Result: Among the main results found in the analysis, it was possible to see that the sample started in 1988, but the subject began to gain a large volume of publications from 2005 on, with a greater number of documents published in 2020, reaching 43. The featured authors are: Amos D; Au-Yong CP; Liu HC and Musa ZN, with 4 papers each. The area with the largest number of publications is Health Care Sciences Services together with Health Policy Services with 56 papers each. The main journal is the International Journal for quality in Health Care with 8 documents. The most cited words are: Hospitals / hospital (34), Performance indicators and quality indicators (17), Performance; performance measurement (16). Last but not least, when the conceptual structure of these materials is analyzed, it is possible to identify two very significant groups, with a large number of publications: Quality indicators and Performance Management. From the analysis of the intellectual structure, made through the Co-citation, it was possible to identify five groups, focusing on hospital management and performance measurement system, (Kaplan) focused on quality in service delivery, (Donabedian), on quality and safety of the patient, (Shortell SM; Berwick, SM), related to general and internal medicine, (Peterson, ED and Fonarow, GC), and finally, a group that has direct relation and characteristics in the four areas previously discussed, highlighting the author Ruter

Keywords: Performance indicators; Hospital management; Performance.
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