Revista de Administração Hospitalar e Inovação em Saúde


INTRODUCTION: considering the exponential progression of the number of cases of COVID-19 in Minas Gerais and the potential severity of this disease, it required technical-assistance management of qualified care human resources, the Nursing Coordination team and the Multidisciplinary Team - COEMULT of the Care Board of the Hospital Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais - FHEMIG was responsible for providing technical assistance to the units, and carried out several actions to compose a staff of health professionals, to face the health needs of the population. OBJECTIVE: to describe the actions that ensured the management of care human resources in the face of the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODOLOGY: the multidisciplinary dimensioning of human resources was defined based on Ministerial Ordinances and on technical analysis. Definition of the necessary quantities for the request to the Presidency of FHEMIG and the Government of the State of Minas Gerais for hiring emergency human resources to work in the infirmary beds and ICU beds specifically to attend COVID-19 in the Eduardo de hospitals Menezes, Júlia Kubitschek, João XXIIII, João Penido Regional, Antônio Dias Regional and at the Galba Veloso Alternative Health Care Unit - UAAS-GV. Elaboration and implementation of the Full Hospital Capacity Plan (PCPH) for situations of contingency of human resources. Preparation and Implementation of the Protocol of Assistance Guidelines for Coping with COVID-19. RESULTS: professionals were hired to work in the new ward beds and specific ICUs for COVID-19 in the hospitals described above. Approval and implementation of PCPH by the Assistance Board, Presidency of FHEMIG and SES/MG and Boards of Assistance Units of FHEMIG. Elaboration and updating of the Protocol of Assistance Guidelines for Coping with COVID-19, being the official COVID-19 management protocol of the Minas Gerais State Health Secretariat. Remote training for various professionals from different professional categories in patient management (COVID-19).
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