
  • Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva UFMG


Palabras clave:



Editorial do número 25 do volume 9.


Birnbaum, Robert & Shushock Jr. (2001). The ‘crisis’ crisis in higher education: is that a wolf or a pussycat at the academy’s door? In Philip G. Altbach, Patricia J. Gumport, & D. Bruce Jonhstone (Eds.). In defense of American higher education (pp. 60-84). Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.

Cann, Colette N. & DeMeulenaere, Eric J. (2020). The activist academic: engaged scholarship for resistance, hope and social change. Gorham: Myers Education Press.

Costa, Alessandra S. M., Barros, Denise F., & Saraiva, Luiz Alex S. (2014). Management industry. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 12(1), 1-6.

Czakon, Wojciech (2019). Grand challenges: a way out of the ivory tower for management academic discipline. Problemy ZarzÈdzania – Management Issues, 17(4), 9-23.

Dunne, Stephen, Grady, Jo, & Weir, Kenneth (2017). Organization studies of inequality, with and beyond Piketty. Organization, 25(2), 165-185.

Hinings, C. Robert & Greenwood, Royston (2002). Disconnects and consequences in organization theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47(3), 411-421.

Kajner, Tania (2013). Beyond the binary: scholarship, engagement, and social transformation. In Lynette Schultz & Tania Kajner (Eds.). Engaged scholarship: the politics of engagement and disengagement (pp. 9-20). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Levine, Arthur (2001). Higher education as a mature industry. In Philip G. Altbach, Patricia J. Gumport, & D. Bruce Jonhstone (Eds.). In defense of American higher education (pp. 38-58). Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.

Reed, Michael (1999). Teorização organizacional: um campo historicamente contestado. In Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy & Walter R. Nord (Orgs.). Handbook de estudos organizacionais: modelos de análise e novas questões em estudos organizacionais (pp. 61-98). São Paulo: Atlas.

Reed, Mike & Burrell, Gibson (2019). Theory and organization studies: the need for contestation. Organization Studies, 40(1), 39-54.

Tonwley, Barbara (1993). Performance appraisal and the emergence of management. Journal of Managament Studies, 30(2), 221-238.

Van de Ven, Andrew H. (2007). Engaged scholarship: a guide for organizational and social research. New York: Oxford University Press.




